Transitioning MRT from alpha to beta. No more major breaking changes are changed, unless necessary before 1.0 stable.
Features include:
- < 37kb gzipped - Bundlephobia
- Advanced TypeScript Generics Support (TypeScript Optional)
- Aggregation and Grouping (Sum, Average, Count, etc.)
- Click To Copy Cell Values
- Column Action Dropdown Menu
- Column Hiding
- Column Ordering via Drag'n'Drop
- Column Pinning (Freeze Columns)
- Column Resizing
- Customize Icons
- Customize Styling of internal Mui Components
- Data Editing (3 different editing modes)
- Density Toggle
- Detail Panels (Expansion)
- Filtering (supports client-side and server-side)
- Full Screen Mode
- Global Filtering (Search across all columns, rank by best match)
- Header Groups & Footers
- Localization (i18n) support
- Manage your own state
- Pagination (supports client-side and server-side)
- Row Actions (Your Custom Action Buttons)
- Row Numbers
- Row Ordering via Drag'n'Drop
- Row Selection (Checkboxes)
- SSR compatible
- Sorting (supports client-side and server-side)
- Theming (Respects your Material UI Theme)
- Toolbars (Add your own action buttons)
- Tree Data / Expanding Sub-rows
- Virtualization (react-virtual)
Contributors to the alphas of MRT:
@KevinVandy , @eger1393 , @oliviertassinari , @aaron-mota , @ryanmk54 , @frasergr , @swyftx-simon , @gaspardip