github KelvinTegelaar/CIPP v.2.3.0
v2.3.0 - Mai Tai

latest releases: v5.9.0, v5.8.5, v5.8.0...
2 years ago

Hey everyone,

Thank you all our contributors and CIPP team that worked on this release. This release is is feature packed with many of our feature request list getting tackled.

Of course we also have many bug fixes in this release big and small, so check out the complete changelog, if you have any bugs, report them :)

We especially like to thank our release sponsors, OITVOIP, NinjaOne, Immybot, and Huntress for sponsoring us for this release, as their sponsorship is what makes creating this application possible.

The changelog below contains only the most important fixes, for more information, check out the full changelog. Items without a PR reference have been made by direct commits.

New Features

Reported bug fixes

Other notable changes

Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v.2.3.0

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