github Kava-Labs/kava v0.8.1
kava-3 Patch Release

latest releases: v0.26.0, v0.26.0-alpha.0, v0.25.1...
3 years ago

This version mitigates a memory leak in tendermint that was found prior to launching kava-3. It is fully compatible with v0.8.0 and is intended to replace that version as the canonical software version for upgrading the Kava mainnet from kava-2 to kava-3. Note that there are no breaking changes between the versions, but a safety check was added to this version to prevent starting the node with an unsafe configuration.


The default tendermint pruning strategy, pruning="syncable" is currently unsafe due to a memory leak that can cause irrecoverable data loss. This patch release prevents kvd from being started with the pruning="syncable" configuration. Until a patch for tendermint is released, the ONLY pruning strategies that are safe to run are everything (an archival node) or nothing (only the most recent state is kept). It is strongly recommended that validators use pruning="everything" for kava-3. It is expected that a patch to tendermint will be released in a non-breaking manner and that nodes will be able to update seamlessly after the launch of kava-3.


The steps for upgrading to kava-3 can be found here. Please note the additional section on pruning.

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