github Kava-Labs/kava v0.22.0-alpha.0
Kava 13 Release Candidate 1 (v0.22.0-alpha.0)

latest releases: v0.26.1, v0.26.0, v0.26.0-alpha.0...
pre-release14 months ago

Release Candidate & Public Testnet Release

Latest version of Kava includes updates to major dependencies and grants new powers for Kava DAO to manage community pool funds via the x/community module.

For detailed breaking API changes, see the Kava 13 API Migration Guide.

Software versions:
Golang: v1.20
Cosmos-sdk: v0.46.11
CometBFT: v0.34.27 (formerly Tendermint)


  • (deps) [#1477] Bump Cosmos SDK to v0.46.10.
  • (deps) [#1477] Bump Ethermint to v0.21.0.
  • (deps) [#1477] Bump ibc-go to v6.1.0.
  • (deps) [#1477] Migrate to CometBFT.
  • (x/incentive) [#1512] Add grpc query service.
  • (deps) [#1544] Bump confio/ics23/go to v0.9.0, cosmos/keyring to v1.2.0.
  • (x/committee) [#1562] Add CommunityPoolLendWithdrawPermission
  • (x/community) [#1563] Include x/community module pool balance in
    x/distribution community_pool query response.
  • (x/community) [#1565] Add CommunityCDPRepayDebtProposal
  • (x/committee) [#1566] Add CommunityCDPRepayDebtPermission
  • (x/community) [#1567] Add CommunityCDPWithdrawCollateralProposal
  • (x/committee) [#1568] Add CommunityCDPWithdrawCollateralPermission


  • (x/validator-vesting) [#1542] Deprecate legacy circulating and total supply
    rest endpoints.

Client Breaking

  • [#1477] Remove legacy REST endpoints.
  • [#1519] Remove required denom path parameter from hard grpc query endpoints.

Bug Fixes

  • (x/incentive) [#1550] Fix validation on genesis reward accumulation time.

Note: This is a release candidate only. Do not attempt to run this software on mainnet.

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