github KartoffelToby/better_thermostat 1.0.0-beta4

latest releases: 1.7.0-Beta3, 1.7.0-Beta2, 1.7.0-Beta1...
pre-release3 years ago

1.0 will be the first release with the new Name better thermostat, we work hard to improve stability and performance, also we removed Zigbee2Mqtt as dependency this mean every climate device in HA should work with better_thermostat as long as it supports the endpoints.

What's changed since 1.0-beta3

  • Fix a bug that better_thermostat doesn't start if no window sensor was setup
  • Fix a bug that better_thermostat doesn't trigger the night mode
  • Fix a bug for "setpoint override" devices doesn't react to any temperature changes
  • Fix a bug for "setpoint override" devices didn't start proper

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