github KaringX/karing v1.1.0.582

latest release: v1.1.0.583
pre-release2 days ago
  1. Fixed the problem of partial conversion failure of v2ray tuic
  2. Fixed the problem that may not open normally after enabling fakeip
  3. Improved core exception error information

  1. 修复v2ray tuic部分转换失败的问题
  2. 修复开启fakeip后, karing.app可能无法正常打开的问题
  3. 改进核心异常错误信息

android TV: android_armeabi-v7a.apk
android mobile: android_arm64-v8a.apk
android_arm.apk : contains android_armeabi-v7a.apk and android_arm64-v8a.apk
windows : windows_x64.exe /

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