github Kandy-IO/kandy-link-js-sdk v4.32.0
Kandy kandy-link-js-sdk v4.32.0

latest releases: v5.3.0-beta.948, v5.3.0-beta.947, v5.3.0-beta.946...
2 years ago

4.32.0 - 2021-09-24


  • Added public documentation for KJS-103
  • Added an extra property iceCollectionDelay as part of extraInfo parameter that is pased to iceCollectionCheck function. This will further improve the application's side in making a decision whether it has collected good enough ICE candidates. KJS-253


  • Update notifications plugin state when a websocket connection is removed to indicate the websocket channel is no longer enabled. KJS-209
  • Fixed a Proxy issue where unexpected data formats received from the Channel would cause a Call operation to fail. KJS-283
  • Fixed a Call issue where receiving a compressed SDP would cause the operation to fail KJS-328

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