github JulianHayward/Azure-MG-Sub-Governance-Reporting v6_major_20230306_1

latest releases: 6.5.4, 6.5.0, 6.4.5...
22 months ago

Changes (2023-Mar-06 / Major)

  • New feature: Custom Policy definitions that have 'Policy rule' parity with built-in Policy definition(s) (HTML TenantSummary/Policy and CSV output)
  • Enhanced *_PolicyAll.json output to include Policy assignments
  • Optimize method to detect Policy definition effect
  • Optimize consumption / convert to decimal
  • Renamed the 'Orphaned Resources' feature to 'Cost optimization & cleanup'
    • Renamed CSV output '_*ResourcesOrphaned.csv' to '_*ResourcesCostOptimizationAndCleanup.csv'
  • 🚀 Highlight contribution by @TimWanierke: Extended the 'Cost optimization & cleanup' feature (HTML TenantSummary/Subscriptions, Resources & Defender) with 'stopped but not deallocated' Virtual Machines including the related cost
  • Use AzAPICall PowerShell module version 1.1.70
    • minor fixes; not Azure Governance Visualizer specific
  • Added new section Trust?!
  • Typ0s and minor fixes
  • Transitioning product name 'AzGovViz' to 'Azure Governance Visualizer aka AzGovViz' as folks tend to interpretate the 'Gov' as government and not as governance

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