github JulianHayward/Azure-MG-Sub-Governance-Reporting v6_major_20220726_1

latest releases: 6.6.1, 6.5.4, 6.5.0...
2 years ago

Changes (2022-Jul-26 / Major)

  • New feature 'PIM (Privileged Identity Management) eligible Role assignments' (TenantSummary)
    Breaking Change! requires API permissions update!
    • Get a full report of all PIM eligible Role assignments for Management Groups and Subscriptions, including resolved User members of AAD Groups that have assigned eligibility
    • Spoiler: Next iteration will include ScopeInsights, showing entire eligible Role assignments on Subscriptions including from upper Management Group scopes
    • 💡 Note: this feature requires to execute as Service Principal with Application API permission PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureResources
  • Use AzAPICall PowerShell module version 1.1.19
  • Bugfixes

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