github JulianHayward/Azure-MG-Sub-Governance-Reporting 6.4.5

one month ago

Changes (2024-May-05 / 6.4.5 Minor)

  • updated orphaned resources queries following the source repository Azure Orphan Resources - GitHub with slight adjustments
  • covering I´ll call it 'tenant/service level Role definitions'
  • optimize/bug fix 'Processing roleDefinitions used in policyDefinitions'
  • increase the default value for -AzureConsumptionPeriod from 1 to 2 - if the Azure Governance Visualizer is executed early in the day, consumption data may not be accurate enough.. (reminder: the switch parameter -DoAzureConsumption must be set to true for the consumption data collection to kick in)
  • update default value for parameter -ValidPolicyEffects
  • update API reference Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions use API version 2023-07-01-preview (previous 2022-05-01-preview)
  • update API reference Microsoft.ResourceGraph/resources use API version 2022-10-01 (previous 2021-03-01)
  • update API reference Microsoft.CostManagement/query use API version 2024-01-01 (previous 2023-03-01)

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