github JoshData/python-email-validator v1.2.1

latest releases: v2.2.0, v2.1.2, v2.1.1...
2 years ago

Changes in version 1.2.0:

  • Rejecting domains with NULL MX records (when deliverability checks are turned on).
  • Rejecting unsafe unicode characters. (Some of these checks you should be doing on all of your user inputs already!)
  • Rejecting most special-use reserved domain names. A new test_environment option is added for using @*.test domains.
  • Some fixes in the tests.

In version 1.2.1:

  • example and are removed from the special-use domains list.
  • SPECIAL_USE_DOMAIN_NAMES is now a documented part of the API (and it is a list instead of a tuple)
  • New module-level attributes ALLOW_SMTPUTF8, CHECK_DELIVERABILITY, TEST_ENVIRONMENT, and DEFAULT_TIMEOUT can be used to change the default values of the keyword arguments.
  • Travis CI is updated to test from Python 3.6 forward, dropping 3.5.

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