github JosephHewitt/wardriver_rev3 v1.1.0

latest releases: v1.2.0rc1, v1.2.0b5, v1.2.0b4...
12 months ago

Release version 1.1.0.

This version is considered to be stable.

Changes since 1.0.3:

  • Added: Ability to delete captured files from the SD card using the web interface #27
  • Added: Ability to block certain SSIDs or MAC addresses from being logged* #29
  • Added: Support for WAPI_PSK #54
  • Added: Date to downloaded filenames #53
  • Added: User must confirm file deletions
  • Added: Automatic device identification #55
  • Improved: LCD feedback when the web interface is in use #35
  • Fix: Bug which prevents communication with the SIM800L #36
  • Fix: Bug which prevents communication with the DS18B20 temperature sensor #30
  • Fix: WPA3 networks logged as OPEN #54
  • Fix: Incorrect Content-Type header causing wrong file extensions #52
  • Fix: Safari timeouts #56
  • Change: GSM location accuracy calculation

Changes since 1.1.0b4:

  • Change: GSM location accuracy calculation
  • Added: User must confirm file deletions
  • Fix: Safari timeouts #56
  • Added: Automatic device identification #55

New blocklist feature*

It is now possible to block certain MAC addresses or SSIDs from being logged. To use this feature, add a file called bl.txt (using your PC) to the SD card in your wardriver. This file should contain a list of SSIDs/MACs to block, one per line. Currently this feature is limited to 20 entries and the file is case sensitive. MAC addresses should be in uppercase only.

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