github Jonius7/SteamUI-OldGlory Release_5.5

latest releases: R5.16-pre1, Release_5.15, R5.15-pre3...
3 years ago

(GUI) NEW Expanded CSS Options page:

  • What's New | Game List Zoom | Show Left Sidebar | Glare/Shine
  • Game Image Transition | Home Page Grid Spacing
  • Game Page Layout | Game Image Opacity

CSS enhancements

  • NEW Classic Steam appearance CSS (WIP)
  • NEW Game Properties - horizontal tab bar
  • Tweaks to Vertical Nav Bar
  • Tweaks to Crisp Cut theme background and Vertical Nav Bar appearance
  • Update Shiina's steam-library files with new release (19 Jan)

NEW JS tweaks:

  • Smoother HOME page Scrolling
  • Game Header: sticky background position and spillover into sidebar
  • Game Properties Window Size
  • (Experimental) Don't load HOME game images, only alt text
  • (Experimental) Load only essential parts of Game Page (Play Bar and Navigation Bar)
  • JS tweaks fixes.txt can now use previous line of JS to search for the line you want. Just separate the two lines with ~~

NEW Auto-update feature for small file updates

  • CSS: scss/ folder, variables.css, themes/ folder
  • JS: fixes.txt
  • JSON: old_glory_data.json
  • Goes by lastPatchedDate in old_glory_data.json
  • Custom scss modifications won't trigger a new update.

Other changes

  • GUI now loads quickly when user is offline (no internet connection detected)
  • NEW Quick Links buttons in Advanced Options

Compare with Release 5.0.1 | Changelog

As of 5.5: config.css will no longer be automatically overwritten in steamui folder on Install. Use the Apply config.css button in Advanced Options

As of 5.0: SteamUI-OldGlory now uses Sassy CSS (Sass).
Particular components such as scrollbar, a HOME icon, sidebar, play bar, navbar are now in their own .scss files.

Use variables.css instead of libraryroot.custom.css to manually edit CSS variables

libraryroot.custom.css is completely generated now. Editing it manually and trying to Install will likely not apply your changes. Instead look for stuff to change in variables.css, and the scss folder.

Future Updates:

Now that all the style files (CSS, JS, JSON) can be auto-updated, hoping to make more rapid progress designing themes, and tweaking layout.
For GUI: better separating of CSS and JS tweaks when installing - options to install both, or ONLY CSS, or ONLY JS
Support for importing from old versions?

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