github Jonius7/SteamUI-OldGlory Release_5.0

latest releases: R5.16-pre1, Release_5.15, R5.15-pre3...
3 years ago

Themes working again with 22 Dec Steam Client Update.

SteamUI-OldGlory now uses Sassy CSS (Sass).
Particular components such as scrollbar, a HOME icon, sidebar, play bar, navbar are now in their own .scss files.

Use variables.css instead of libraryroot.custom.css to manually edit CSS variables
libraryroot.custom.css is completely generated now. Editing it manually and trying to Install will likely not apply your changes. Instead look for stuff to change in variables.css, and the scss folder.
If things are still too confusing, I may look at simplifying the folder structure next release.

GUI v0.9.5.5 -> v0.9.6.9
The GUI is now using JSON to store some of the data. This has the benefit of being editable outside of having to rebuild the .exe

Issues fixed from #5

  • Themes working again
  • Auto-select current theme on startup
  • New DLC Manager scss - no longer requires JavaScript for row height

Future Releases

Now that Sass is implemented, time to add more toggleable features.
Continue building the auto-updating system. The ideal state is to be able to push out .scss, fixes.txt, or old_glory_data.json hotfixes smoothly, and leave the GUI changes as the major updates.

Compare with Release 4.1.1 | Changelog

r1 - Minor change to create backups of existing libraryroot.custom.css in steamui folder. Use this if you have existing code already in libraryroot.custom.css that you want to save.

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