github JoinMarket-Org/joinmarket-clientserver v0.7.2
** DO NOT USE ** BIP78 Payjoin bugfixes and minor improvements

latest releases: v0.9.11, v0.9.10, v0.9.9...
3 years ago

UPGRADE TO 0.8.2 - (reference to release notes kept here for convenience)

Please read the release notes at for details on what this release includes.

This is bugfix release, it is particularly required if you use BIP78 payjoin (it also adds QR code support for that function).

Please verify the PGP signatures of the releases (zip files and exe file, see below) before using. They are signed with AdamISZ's pubkey (fingerprint: 2B6F C204 D9BF 332D 062B 461A 1410 01A1 AF77 F20B.

Since 0.7.0, Joinmarket requires Python3.6 or higher, and requires you to reinstall by re-running (unless you are using the below Windows executable, of course). Details on this important aspect are explained in the introductory section of the 0.7.0 release notes.

A reminder that a (gpg signed) Windows executable build of JoinmarketQt is included in this release. (Similar binaries for Linux and Mac are not provided but may be if people show interest in testing and working on it.)

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