github JohnnyMorganz/StyLua v0.3.0

latest releases: v0.20.0, v0.19.1, v0.19.0...
3 years ago

[0.3.0] - 2021-01-15


  • StyLua will now test escapes of characters other than quotes in strings to see if they are unnecessary and remove them if so
  • Adds wrapping for large expressions to push them onto multiple lines. Statements with line of longer than 120 characters will trigger expression wrapping where possible.
    The expression will be split at its Binary Operators, excluding relational operators.


  • Fixed .styluaignore file extension matching not working due to the default override glob
  • Cleaned up descriptions of options when running stylua --help
  • Fixed issue with stylua.toml requiring a complete configuration file with all options set
  • Fixed issue with escapes unrelated to quotes inside of strings not being preserved
  • Fixed incorrect formatting when trailing comments are present in function arguments and other locations.
    In function arguments, it will remain expanded if there is a comment present. Similarly, comments are now preserved in punctuated sequencues.

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