github JimmXinu/FanFicFare v2.2.8
FanFicFare v2.2.8

latest releases: v4.38.0, v4.37.0, v4.36.0...
9 years ago

This is the production version of the project FanFicFare. This project was previously published under the name FanFictionDownLoader(FFDL).

Installation instructions:


Install zip attached file.

Web service:

Command line interface:

Rather being delivered as a zip file with dependencies included, FanFicFare is now delivered as a proper pip Python package. It's been tested on Python 2.6 and 2.7, but not on Python 3.

pip install FanFicFare
pip install --upgrade FanFicFare update.

(pip will automatically install dependencies beautifulsoup4, html5lib, chardet and six.)

Run fanficfare -h from command-line.


  • Preserve order of URLs fetched from page--especially important for anthologies.- Update translations.

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