github JetBrains/kotlin v2.1.20-RC2
Kotlin 2.1.20-RC2

latest releases: build-2.2.0-dev-8791, build-2.2.0-dev-8786, build-2.2.0-dev-8782...
pre-release2 days ago



  • KT-75649 K2: NPE on assigning platform type value to non-nullable lateinit var
  • KT-75483 Native: redundant unboxing generated with smart cast
  • KT-75526 Regression in K2 scripting: local name doesn't shadow one from the implicit receiver
  • KT-75444 Contradictions in the constraint system are ignored in case of multiple constraints from forking points
  • KT-75111 False negative "This declaration needs opt-in" for usage of enum entry with OptIn marker in another module
  • KT-74764 Native: merge init nodes generated within the same LLVM module for the same klib

Compose compiler

  • CMP-7571 1.8.0-alpha03 incompatible with Compose based on k1
  • b/397855145 Fix "Unknown file" error in target annotation inference


  • KT-75606 KJS: java.lang.AssertionError: Different declarations with the same signatures were detected
  • KT-72437 KJS. Invalid copy method for inherited JSO with type parameters


  • KT-75393 Non-JVM artifacts from Kotlin 2.1.20-RC fail on 2.1.x releases due to IMPLICIT_ARGUMENT


  • KT-70202 Xcode 16 Linker fails with SIGBUS

Tools. Compiler Plugins

  • KT-73897 PowerAssert: Implicit argument detection is brittle in a number of cases

Tools. Gradle

  • KT-73842 Gradle: AGP failing tests with "Failed to calculate the value of property 'generalConfigurationMetrics'" using KGP
  • KT-74394 KGP + isolated projects: "Something has been appended to this collector already"
  • KT-75262 Gradle test-fixtures plugin apply order breaks the project
  • KT-75277 FUS statistics: 'java.lang.IllegalStateException: The value for this property cannot be changed any further' exception is thrown during project import

Tools. Gradle. JS

  • KT-75485 KJS: "Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'style-loader' and 'css-loader'" in 2.1.20-RC

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