Analysis. API
New Features
Analysis API: support KtWhenConditionInRange call resolution
Performance Improvements
K2: do not call redundant resolve on body resolution phase for classes
K2 IDE. "FirDeclaration was not found for class org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtProperty, fir is null" on incorrect string templateKT-53669
Analysis API: redesign KtSymbolOrigin to distinguish kotlin/java source/library declarationsKT-62889
on not available type alias with available underlying typeKT-62343
Analysis API: fix binary incopatibility problems cause byKtAnalysisSessionProvider.analyze
being inlineKT-68498
To get reference symbol the one should be KtSymbolBasedReferenceKT-68393
Analysis API: RenameKaClassLikeSymbol. classIdIfNonLocal
Analysis API: rename KtCallableSymbol.callableIdIfNonLocal -> callableIdKT-66712
K2 IDE. SOE on settings string template for string variable with the same nameKT-65892
K2: "We should be able to find a symbol" for findNonLocalFunctionKT-67360
Analysis API: KtDestructuringDeclarationSymbol#entries shouldn't be KtLocalVariableSymbolKT-68198
Analysis API: Support application service registration in plugin XMLsKT-68273
AA: supportKtFirKDocReference#isReferenceToImportAlias
AA: KtFirReference.isReferenceToImportAlias doesn't work for references on constructorKT-67996
Analysis API: rename Kt prefix to KaKT-66996
Analysis API: Expose the abbreviated type of an expandedKtType
K2: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirUserTypeRefImpl from FirJsHelpersKt.isExportedObjectKT-68203
K2: Analysis API: wrong type of receiver value in case of imported object memberKT-68031
LL resolve crash in case of PCLA inference with local objectKT-67851
always returns false for references to Java gettersKT-68076
AA: use type code fragments for import alias detectionKT-65915
K2: Analysis API: extract services registration into xml fileKT-68049
Analysis API: do not expose imported symbolsKT-68075
K2: Analysis API: Type arguments for delegation constructor to java constructor with type parameters not supportedKT-65190
AA: reference to the super type is not resolvedKT-68070
AA: KtExpressionInfoProvider#isUsedAsExpression doesn't work for KtPropertyDelegateKT-67748
K2: AllCandidatesResolver modifies the original FirDelegatedConstructorCallKT-67743
K2: Stubs & AbbreviatedTypeAttributeKT-67706
K2: "KtDotQualifiedExpression is not a subtype of class KtNamedDeclaration" from UnusedCheckerKT-68021
Analysis API: do not break the diagnostic collection in a case of exception from some collectorKT-67949
AA: Type arguments of Java methods' calls are not reported as used by KtFirImportOptimizerKT-67988
AA: functional type at receiver position should be wrapped in parenthesisKT-66536
Analysis API: ContextCollector doesn't provide implicit receivers from FirExpressionResolutionExtensionKT-67321
AA: Type arguments of Java methods' calls are not resolvedKT-64158
K2: "KotlinIllegalArgumentExceptionWithAttachments: No fir element was found for KtParameter"KT-60344
K2 IDE. "KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: expectcreateKtCall
to succeed for resolvable case with callable symbol" on attempt to assign value to param named getParamKT-64599
K2: "expectcreateKtCall
to succeed for resolvable case with callable" for unfinished if statementKT-60330
K2 IDE. ".KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: expectcreateKtCall
to succeed for resolvable case with callable symbol" on attempt to assign or compare true with somethingKT-66672
K2 IDE. False positive INVISIBLE_REFERENCE on accessing private subclass as type argument in parent class declarationKT-67750
Analysis API: Removeinfix
modifiers from type equality and subtyping functionsKT-67655
Analysis API: declare a rule how to deal with parameters in KtLifetimeOwnerKT-61775
Analysis API: KtKClassAnnotationValue lacks complete type informationKT-67168
K2: Analysis API: Rendering is broken for JSR-305 enhanced Java typesKT-66689
Analysis API: KtFirPackageScope shouldn't rely on KotlinDeclarationProvider for binary dependencies in standalone modeKT-60483
Analysis API: add isTailrec property to KtFunctionSymbolKT-67472
K2: Analysis API FIR: KtFunctionCall misses argument with desugared expressionsKT-65759
Analysis API: Avoid hard references toLLFirSession
in session validity trackersKT-60272
K2: Implement active invalidation ofKtAnalysisSession
K2: Analysis API: support classpath substitution with library dependencies in super type transformerKT-67265
K2: status phase should resolve original declarations in the case of classpath subsitutionKT-67244
K2: StackOverflowError in the case of cyclic type hierarchy and library classpath substitutionKT-67080
K2: clearer contract for lazyResolveToPhaseWithCallableMembersKT-65413
K2 IDE: KTOR unresolved serializer() call for@Serializable
class in common codeKT-66713
K2 FIR: Expose a way to get the module name used for name manglingKT-61892
KtType#asPsiType could provide nullability annotationsKT-66122
Analysis API: PassKtTestModule
instead ofTestModule
to tests based onAbstractAnalysisApiBasedTest
Analysis. Light Classes
LC: no arg constructor is not visible in light classesKT-66687
Symbol Light Classes: Duplicate field names for classes with companion objectsKT-66804
Symbol Light Classes: Fields from the parent interface's companion are added to DefaultImpls
Apple Ecosystem
Xcode incorrectly reuses embedAndSign framework when moving to and from 2.0.0KT-65542
Cinterop tasks fails if Xcode 15.3 is used
Backend. Wasm
K/Wasm: make an error on default export usageKT-68453
K/Wasm: "Supported JS engine not detected" in Web WorkerKT-64565
Kotlin/wasm removeEventListener function did not remove the event listenerKT-66099
Wasm: local.get of type f64 has to be in the same reference type hierarchy as (ref 686) @+237036
New Features
Implement improved handling of $ in literalsKT-39868
Allow access to protected consts and fields from a super companion objectKT-67787
Implement guard conditions for when-with-subjectKT-68165
Native: type checks on generic types boundaryKT-66169
lacks acontract
Introduce an ability to enforce explicit return types for public declarations without enabling Explicit API modeKT-65841
Allow to actualize expect types in kotlin stdlib to builtins in JVMKT-53834
Support for JSpecify@NullUnmarked
Performance Improvements
Devirtualization analysis fails to devirtualize string.get
K2: False-positive ACCIDENTAL_OVERRIDE caused by missing dependency classKT-66723
K2: NO_ACTUAL_CLASS_MEMBER_FOR_EXPECTED_CLASS for actual typealias that extends to Java class with complicated hierarchy that includes default methodKT-68492
JVM IR backend: IDE / Kotlin Debugger: AE “Non-reified type parameter under ::class should be rejected by type checker” on evaluating private generic functionKT-61875
Native: remove support for bitcode embeddingKT-35305
"Overload resolution ambiguity" on function for unsigned types (UByte, UShort, UInt, ULong)KT-59679
K2: Investigate extracting uncompleted candidates from blocksKT-68193
JDK 21: new MutableList.addFirst/addLast methods allow adding nullable value for non-null typesKT-68383
K2: "Argument type mismatch: actual type is 'kotlin.String', but 'T & Any' was expected." with intersection typesKT-68351
K2: "Suspension functions can only be called within coroutine body"KT-68674
False positive ACTUAL_WITHOUT_EXPECT in K2KT-64335
K2: improve rendering of captured types in diagnostic messagesKT-67933
K2: no conversion between fun interfaces if target hassuspend
K2: "Inapplicable candidate(s)" caused by parameter reference of local class with type parameters from functionKT-68362
False-positive ABSTRACT_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED for inheritor of java class which directly implements java.util.MapKT-68446
K2: compile-time failure on smart-casted generic value used as a when-subject in a contains-check with rangeKT-68571
K2: "IllegalStateException: Fake override should have at least one overridden descriptor" caused by exceptions and when statementKT-68339
K2: "Enum entry * is uninitialized here" caused by lazy property with enum inwhen
K2: false-negative "upper bound violated" error in extension receiverKT-64106
Native: the compiler allows using-opt
at the same timeKT-67887
Expection on assigning to private field of value typeKT-67801
NSME on evaluating private member function with value class parameterKT-67800
NSME on evaluating private top-level function with value class parameterKT-57996
Usages ofFoo @Nullable []
produce only warnings even with-Xtype-enhancement-improvements-strict-mode -Xjspecify-annotations=strict
DiagnosticsSuppressor is not invoked with Kotlin 2.0KT-68222
K2. KMP. False negativeExpected declaration must not have a body
for expected top-level property with getter/setterKT-64103
FirExpectActualDeclarationChecker reports diagnostic error for KtPsiSimpleDiagnostic with KtFakeSourceElementKT-68191
K2. Static fake-overrides are not generated for kotlin Fir2IrLazyClassKT-64990
K2: Remove usages of SymbolTable from FIR2IRKT-67798
NSME on assigning to private delegated property of value classKT-68264
K2: confusing INVISIBLE_* error when typealias is involvedKT-68024
K2: Gradle repo testaccessors to kotlin internal task types...
fails on K2KT-67943
Approximation should not generate types with UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATION errorsKT-67503
K2: False negative "Type Expected" when attempting to annotate a wildcard type argumentKT-68187
K2: Create IrBuiltins in fir2ir only after IR actualizationKT-66443
K2: ArrayIterationHandler doesn't work if UIntArray declared in sourcesKT-68291
K2 / Contracts: Non-existent invocation kind is suggested as a fixKT-67692
Native: support LLVM opaque pointers in the compilerKT-68209
K2: Strange import suggestion when lambda body contains invalid codeKT-67368
"NullPointerException: Parameter specified as non-null is null" local lambda creates new not-null checks with 2.0.0-Beta5KT-66554
K2. Drop FIR based fake-override generator from fir2irKT-64202
K2: Drop old methods for calculation of overridden symbols for lazy declarationsKT-55851
K2: reference to a field from package private class crashes in runtimeKT-67895
K2: Properly implement generation of fake-overrides for fieldsKT-54496
diagnostic disregards compiler pluginsKT-63745
K2: Approximation of DNN with nullability warning attribute leads to attribute incorrectly becoming not-nullKT-63362
AbstractTypeApproximator fixes only first local type in hierarchyKT-67769
K2: "variable must be initialized" on unreachable access in constructorKT-51195
FIR IC: Incremental compilation fails with@PublishedApi
No JVM type annotation is generated on a class supertypeKT-55128
Wrong type path in type annotations when type arguments are compiled to wildcardsKT-46640
Generate JVM type annotations on wildcard boundsKT-67952
Annotations on type parameters are not generated for parameters other than the firstKT-68012
K2. No'operator' modifier is required on 'component'
error in K2KT-61835
K2: FirStubTypeTransformer receives unresolved expressions in builder inference sessionKT-63596
K1/K2: Different behavior for lambda with different return typeKT-67688
K2: False positive CANNOT_INFER_PARAMETER_TYPE for Unit constraint type variableKT-62080
False positive UNUSED_VARIABLE for variable that is used in lambda and in further code with several conditionsKT-60726
K2: Missed TYPE_MISMATCH error: inferred type non-suspend function but suspend function was expectedKT-41835
[FIR] Green code turns to red in presence of smartcasts and redundant type argumentsKT-67579
K1/JVM: false-negative annotation-based diagnostics on usages of ABI compiled with non-trivially configured generation of default methodsKT-67493
K2: argument type mismatch: actual type is 'T', but 'T' was expectedKT-64900
call inPsiRawFirBuilder.toFirConstructor
forces AST loadKT-67648
K2: wrong exposed visibility errors with WRONG_MODIFIER_CONTAINING_DECLARATION on top-level enum classKT-58686
FIR2IR: Don't use global countersKT-67592
K2: Success execution of:kotlin-stdlib:compileKotlinMetadata
K2: consider forbidding FirBasedSymbol rebindKT-54918
Refactor transformAnonymousFunctionWithExpectedTypeKT-63360
K2: Malformed type mismatch error with functional typeKT-67266
K2: Fix default value parameters of Enum's constructor if it's declared in source codeKT-67378
K2: Don't usewrapScopeWithJvmMapped
for common source setsKT-67738
K2: Introducekotlin.internal.ActualizeByJvmBuiltinProvider
Put $this parameter to LVT for suspend lambdasKT-62538
K2: Declarations inside external classes should be implicitly externalKT-67627
K2: External interface companion isn't external in IRKT-60290
K2: origin is not set for !in operatorKT-67512
K2: false positive WRONG_GETTER_RETURN_TYPE when getter return type is annotatedKT-67635
K2: No warning TYPE_MISMATCH_WHEN_FLEXIBILITY_CHANGES for SAM constructor with inferred typeKT-67598
K2: Fix incorrect castingUByte
False positive "non-exhaustive when" in case of intersection typeKT-63969
K2: extra property in metadataKT-63968
K2: extra property in metadata for anonymous variable in scriptKT-67547
K/N can't build caches, fails with "clang++: error=2, No such file or directory"KT-64457
K2: Fix DecompiledKnmStubConsistencyK2TestGeneratedKT-67102
IR Evaluator: NoSuchFieldException when accessing a private delegated propertyKT-66377
IR Evaluator: "no container found for type parameter" when evaluating nested genericsKT-66378
IR Evaluator: Symbol is unboundKT-64506
IDE, IR Evaluator: NPE in ReflectiveAccessLowering.fieldLocationAndReceiver when evaluating private static propertiesKT-67380
K2: Don't check forequals
overriding for classAny
K2: Missing type of FirLiteralExpression causes an exception for property initializer type resolutionKT-59813
K2: Fix the TODO aboutfirEffect.source
K2: Fix the TODO aboutmerge(other)
K2: Stop modifying values of enum entriesKT-59188
K2: Change positioning strategy forWRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS
The inline processor cannot handle objects inside the lambda correctly when calling an inline function from another moduleKT-30696
NoSuchMethodError if nested anonymous objects are used with propagation reified type parameterKT-58966
Incorrect type inference for parameters with omitted type of anonymous function that is being analyzed as value of function type with receiverKT-67458
for JVM backend lowering phasesKT-65647
K2 ignores diagnostics on sourcelessFirTypeRef
K2: Rename FirAugmentedArraySetKT-67394
FIR: Make FIR repr of For from PSI and LightTree the sameKT-60261
K2: No origin is set for composite assignment operatorsKT-66724
K2 IDE. False positive errors because of wrong type inference in complex case of delegated property and type argumentsKT-40248
Confusing error message NO_RETURN_IN_FUNCTION_WITH_BLOCK_BODYKT-66947
K2: false-positive JSpecify nullability enhancement warning on Java wildcard type argument with same base type but different nullabilities as upper and lower boundsKT-66974
K2: false-negative JSpecify nullability enhancement warning on nullable projection of Java wildcard type argument with non-null bounds in out-positionKT-66946
K2: false-negative JSpecify nullability enhancement warning on Java wildcard type argument with nullable upper bound in out-positionKT-66442
K2: No visibility error on importing private aliasesKT-66598
K2: Allow comparisons,is
-checks and casts between Kotlin and platform typesKT-55966
K2: Not enough information to infer type variable K if smartcast is usedKT-64957
K1: drop ModuleAnnotationResolverKT-64894
OPT_IN_ARGUMENT_IS_NOT_MARKER diagnostic message is unclearKT-67019
K2: IR has incorrect EQ origins for some inplace updating operatorsKT-59810
K2: Support other ConstraintPosition-sKT-55383
K1/K2: isClassTypeConstructor behaves differently for stub typesKT-60089
K2: Refactor ExpectActualCollectorKT-62929
K2: investigate if guessArrayTypeIfNeeded is necessary in annotation loaderKT-65642
K2: IR: Array access desugaring doesn't have originsKT-24807
No smartcast to Boolean in subject of when-expression when subject type is non-nullableKT-66057
K2: incorrect supertype leads to class declaration being highlighted redKT-63958
K2: drop support of UseBuilderInferenceOnlyIfNeeded=falseKT-63959
K2: treat stub types as non-nullable for isReceiverNullable checkKT-65100
IrFakeOverrideBuilder: support custom 'remove(Int)' handling logic in MutableCollection subclasses
Compose compiler
New features
- cdfe659 Changed how compiler features being rolled out are enabled and disabled in compiler plugin CLI. Features, such as strong skipping and non-skipping group optimizations are now enabled through the "featureFlag" option instead of their own option.
IR. Actualizer
K2: property fake override isn't generated for protected field
IR. Inlining
Suspicious package part FQN calculation in InventNamesForLocalClassesKT-67208
KJS: put ReplaceSuspendIntrinsicLowering after IR inlinerKT-64958
KJS: Put as many as possible lowerings after the inlinerKT-67297
Implement IR deserializer with unbound symbols
IR. Tree
Add default implementations to methods for non-leaf IrSymbol subclasses from SymbolRemapperKT-67649
Autogenerate IrSymbol interface hierarchyKT-44721
IR: merge IrPrivateSymbolBase and IrPublicSymbolBase hierarchiesKT-67580
Autogenerate SymbolRemapperKT-67457
Introduce a way to simplify IR lowering phase creation
New Features
JS: provide a way to declare static members (JsStatic?)
K2: NON_EXPORTABLE_TYPE on a typealias of primitive typeKT-68740
Kotlin/JS 2.0.0 IrLinkageError with dynamic function parameters inside data classesKT-62304
K/JS: Investigate the compiler assertion crash in JS FIR with backend testsKT-65018
JS: Deprecate error toleranceKT-64801
K2 + JS and WASM: Inner with default inner doesn't work properlyKT-67248
ModuleDescriptor in JS Linker contains incorrect friend dependeciesKT-67273
Creating Kotlin Collections from JS collectionsKT-64424
K2: Migrate JsProtoComparisonTestGenerated to K2KT-52602
Kotlin/JS + IR: incompatible ABI version is not reported when no declarations are actually used by a Gradle compilationKT-66092
K/JS & Wasm: .isReified for reified upper bound is wrongly falseKT-67112
Unable to apply@JsStatic
for common sources: [NO_CONSTRUCTOR]KT-62329
KJS: "UnsupportedOperationException: Empty collection can't be reduced" caused by external enum with "@JsExport
K/JS: Executable js file for module-kind=umd contains top level this instead of globalThisKT-64776
Test infra for JS can't process dependency in mpp moduleKT-65076
Use the same instance when a fun interface doesn't capture or capture only singletons
KLIB metadata: nested classes are sometimes inside a different 'knm' chunkKT-66968
Provide K/N platforms libs for all available targetsKT-66967
Provide K/N stdlib for all available targets in all distributionsKT-65834
[KLIB Resolve] Drop library versions in KLIB manifestsKT-67446
[KLIB Tool] Drop "-repository " CLI parameterKT-67445
[KLIB Tool] Drop "install" and "remove" commandsKT-66557
Check, that no bad metadata in klib is produced, when we failed to compute constant value
Language Design
Confusing data class copy with private constructor
Documentation of trimMargin is (partly) difficult to understandKT-64649
Add explanation to "A compileOnly dependency is used in the Kotlin/Native target" warning messageKT-67807
JS/Wasm: ByteArray.decodeToString incorrectly handles ill-formed 4-byte sequences with a 2nd byte not being continuation byteKT-67768
Wasm: ByteArray.decodeToString throws out-of-bounds exception if the last byte is a start of a 4-byte sequenceKT-66896
Improve Array contentEquals and contentDeepEquals documentation
K2/Native: Member inherits different '@Throws
' when inheriting from generic typeKT-67583
compileKotlin-task unexpectedly downloads K/N dependencies on Linux (but doesn't on Mac)
Native. C and ObjC Import
Native: compiler crashes when casting to an Obj-C class companion
Native. ObjC Export
Native: enable objcExportSuspendFunctionLaunchThreadRestriction=none by default
Native. Runtime. Memory
Native: SpecialRefRegistry::ThradData publication prolongs the pause in CMSKT-66644
Native: threads are too often paused to assist GC (with concurrent mark)KT-66918
Native: scan global root set concurrently
Native. Swift Export
Swift export: secondary constructs lead to compilation errorsKT-67095
Native: fix testNativeRefs export testKT-67099
Remove SirVisitor and SirTransformer from codeKT-67003
Abandon PackageInflator implementation in favour of PackageProvider component
Native. Testing
Native: Drop custom logic in ExtTestCaseGroupProvider, mute codegen/box tests explicitly
Tools. CLI
Tools. CLI. Native
Introduce a CLI argument to override native_targets field in klib manifest
Tools. Compiler Plugin API
K2: run FirSupertypeGenerationExtension over generated declarations
Tools. Compiler Plugins
K2 parcelize: false positive NOTHING_TO_OVERRIDE in one testKT-64455
K2: Implement ParcelizeIrBoxTestWithSerializableLikeExtension for K2
Tools. Fleet. ObjC Export
[ObjCExport] Support reserved method names
Tools. Gradle
ill-added intentionally-broken dependency source configurationsKT-68278
Spring resource loading in combination withjava-test-fixtures
plugin brokenKT-66452
Gradle produces false positive configuration cache problem for Project usage at execution timeKT-68242
Run tests against AGP 8.4.0KT-61574
Add project-isolation test for Kotlin/Android pluginKT-65936
Provide a detailed error for changing kotlin native version dependency.KT-67888
Remove usages of deprecated Configuration.fileCollection() methodKT-62684
PropertiesBuildService should load extraProperties only onceKT-67288
Test DSL should not fail the test if build scan publishing has failed
Tools. Gradle. JS
KotlinNpmInstallTask is not compatible with configuration cacheKT-68072
K/JS, K/Wasm: Module not found in transitive caseKT-68103
K/JS, K/Wasm: Generation of test compilation's package.json requires main compilationKT-67924
K/JS, K/Wasm: kotlinNpmInstall can rewrite root package.json
Tools. Gradle. Kapt
Kapt3KotlinGradleSubplugin uses property lookup that breaks project isolation
Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
Using compileOnly/runtimeOnly dependencies in K/N-related configurations leads to odd behaviourKT-58319
kotlin.git: ProjectMetadataProviderImpl "Unexpected source set 'commonMain'"
Tools. Gradle. Native
Missing JDK Platform ClassLoader when compiling Kotlin native in daemonKT-67935
OverriddenKotlinNativeHomeChecker does not work well with relative pathsKT-64430
Remove deprecated KotlinToolRunner(project) constructorKT-64427
Stop using deprecated KotlinToolRunner(project) constructor call
Tools. Incremental Compile
Investigate the debug output of JVM compilation in KMP IC smoke tests
Tools. JPS
JPS: "Multiple values are not allowed for" caused by Compose
Tools. Kapt
File leak in when building with kaptKT-66780
K2 KAPT Kotlinc should exit with an exit code 1 (compilation error) if a Kapt task failsKT-66998
K2 KAPT: Reimplement support for DefaultImpls
Tools. Scripts
FromConfigurationsBase script definition unexpected behaviour with regex from gradle templatesKT-67066
DeepCopyIrTreeWithSymbols does not copy IrScript nodes correctlyKT-67071
K2: ScriptCompilationConfigurationFromDefinition is not serializableKT-67063
LauncherReplTest flaky on Windows