github JetBrains/kotlin v1.7.0-Beta
Kotlin 1.7.0-Beta

latest releases: build-2.1.20-dev-197, build-2.1.20-dev-194, build-2.1.20-dev-165...
pre-release2 years ago


Analysis API. FIR

  • KT-50864 Analysis API: ISE: "KtCallElement should always resolve to a KtCallInfo" is thrown on call resolution inside plusAssign target
  • KT-50252 Analysis API: Implement FirModuleResolveStates for libraries
  • KT-50862 Analsysis API: do not create use site subsitution override symbols

Analysis API. FIR Low Level API

  • KT-50729 Type bound is not fully resolved
  • KT-50728 Lazy resolve of extension function from 'kotlin' package breaks over unresolved type
  • KT-50271 Analysis API: get rid of using FirRefWithValidityCheck

Backend. Native. Debug

  • KT-50558 K/N Debugger. Error is not displayed in variables view for catch block


New Features

  • KT-45165 Remove JVM target version 1.6
  • KT-51737 Kotlin/Native: Remove unnecessary safepoints on watchosArm32 and iosArm32 targets

Performance Improvements

  • KT-51699 Kotlin/Native: runtime has no LTO in debug binaries
  • KT-34466 Use optimized switch over enum only when all entries are constant enum entry expressions
  • KT-50861 FIR: Combination of array set convention and plusAssign works exponentially
  • KT-47171 For loop doesn't avoid boxing with value class iterators (JVM)
  • KT-29199 'next' calls for iterators of merged primitive progressive values are not specialized
  • KT-50585 JVM IR: Array constructor loop should use IINC
  • KT-22429 Optimize 'for' loop code generation for reversed arrays
  • KT-50074 Performance regression in String-based 'when' with single equality clause
  • KT-22334 Compiler backend could generate smaller code for loops using range such as integer..array.size -1
  • KT-35272 Unnecessary null check on unsafe cast after not-null assertion operator
  • KT-27427 Optimize nullable check introduced with 'as' cast


  • KT-51433 FE 1.0: implement warnings about label resolve changes
  • KT-52146 JVM IR: "AssertionError: Primitive array expected" on vararg of SAM types with self-type and star projection
  • KT-51818 "ClassCastException: class CoroutineSingletons cannot be cast to class" with suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn and coroutines
  • KT-50730 Implement error for a super class constructor call on a function interface in supertypes list
  • KT-52040 JVM: ClassFormatError Illegal method name "expectFailure$__proxy-0"
  • KT-51927 Native: The symbol of unexpected type encountered during IR deserialization error when multiple libraries have non-conflicting declarations with the same name
  • KT-50845 Postpone rxjava errors reporting in the strict mode till 1.8 due to found broken cases
  • KT-48890 Revert Opt-In restriction "Overriding methods can only have opt-in annotations that are present on their basic declarations."
  • KT-51979 "AssertionError: No modifier list, but modifier has been found by the analyzer" exception on incorrect Java interface override
  • KT-50378 Unresolved reference for method in Jsoup library in a kts script file
  • KT-34919 "Visibility is unknown yet" when named parameter in a function type used in a typealias implemented by an abstract class
  • KT-51893 Duplicated [OVERRIDE_DEPRECATION] on overridden properties
  • KT-41034 K2: Change evaluation semantics for combination of safe calls and convention operators
  • KT-51843 Functional interface constructor references are incorrectly allowed in 1.6.20 without any compiler flags
  • KT-51914 False positive RETURN_TYPE_MISMATCH in intellij ultimate
  • KT-51711 Compiler warning is displayed in case there is 'if' else branch used with elvis
  • KT-49317 "IllegalStateException: Parent of this declaration is not a class: FUN LOCAL_FUNCTION_FOR_LAMBDA" with parameter of suspend type with the default parameter
  • KT-33517 Kotlin ScriptEngine does not respect async code when using bindings
  • KT-44705 Deprecate using non-exhaustive if's and when's in rhs of elvis
  • KT-44510 FIR DFA: smartcast after elvis with escaping lambda
  • KT-44879 FIR DFA: Track inc and dec operator calls in preliminary loop visitor
  • KT-51624 FIR: false-positive INAPPLICABLE_LATEINIT_MODIFIER for lateinit properties with unresolved types
  • KT-51204 FIR IC: Incremental compilation fails on nested crossinline
  • KT-51798 Fix ISE from IR backend when data class inherits equals/hashCode/toString with incompatible signature
  • KT-51499 @file:OptIn doesn't cover override methods
  • KT-46187 FIR: OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITY on SAM-converted callable reference to List::plus
  • KT-49778 Support cast to DefinitelyNotNull type in Native
  • KT-51718 JVM / IR: "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" caused by nullable variable inside suspend function
  • KT-34515 NI: "AssertionError: Base expression was not processed: POSTFIX_EXPRESSION" with double not-null assertion to brackets
  • KT-48546 PSI2IR: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi2ir.generators.ErrorExpressionException: null: KtCallExpression" with recursive property access in lazy block
  • KT-28109 "AssertionError: No setter call" for incrementing parenthesized result of indexed access convention operator
  • KT-46136 Unsubstituted return type inferred for a function returning anonymous object upcast to supertype
  • KT-51621 FIR: visible VS invisible qualifier conflict
  • KT-50468 FIR compilers fails with CCE when meets top-level destruction
  • KT-51557 Inline stack frame is not shown for default inline lambda
  • KT-51358 OptIn: show default warning/error message in case of empty message argument
  • KT-44152 FIR2IR fails on declarations from java stdlib if java classes are loaded from PSI instead of binaries
  • KT-50949 PSI2IR: NSEE from ArgumentsGenerationUtilsKt.createFunctionForSuspendConversion with providing lambda as argument with suspend type
  • KT-51439 FE 1.0: implement type variance conflict deprecation on qualifier type arguments
  • KT-39256 ArrayStoreException with list of anonymous objects with inferred types created in reified extension function
  • KT-39883 Deprecate computing constant values of complex boolean expressions in when condition branches and conditions of loops
  • KT-36952 Exception during codegen: cannot pop operand off an empty stack (reference equality, implicit boxing, type check)
  • KT-51233 AssertionError in JavaLikeCounterLoopBuilder with Compose
  • KT-51254 Verify Error on passing null to type parameter extending inline class
  • KT-50996 [FIR] Support Int -> Long conversion for property initializers
  • KT-51000 [FIR] Support Int -> Long? conversion
  • KT-51003 [FIR] Consider Int -> Long conversion if expected type is type variable
  • KT-51018 [FIR] Wrong type inference if one of constraints is integer literal
  • KT-51446 Metadata serialization crashes with IOOBE when deserializing underlying inline class value with type table enabled
  • KT-50973 Redundant line number mapping for finally block with JVM IR
  • KT-51272 Incompatible types: KClass and callable reference Collection::class
  • KT-51229 FIR: private constructor of internal data class treated as internal and not private
  • KT-50750 [FIR] Report UNSUPPORTED on array literals not from annotation classes
  • KT-51121 Inconsistent SAM behavior in multiple cases causing AbstractMethodError (Kotlin 1.6.10)
  • KT-49925 [FIR] Incorrect builder inference (different cases)
  • KT-50542 "IllegalStateException: Type parameter descriptor is not initialized: T declared in sort" with definitely non-null type Any & T in generic constraint
  • KT-51235 JVM / IR: "AbstractMethodError: Receiver class does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method" when property with inline class type is overridden to return Nothing?
  • KT-51223 Report warning about conflicting inherited members from deserialized dependencies
  • KT-51156 Multiplatform linkDebugFramework task throws NoSuchElementException when expect class constructors utilize nested enum constant
  • KT-51017 [FIR] Ambiguity on callable reference between two functions on generic receiver with different bounds
  • KT-51007 [FIR] False positive ILLEGAL_SUSPEND_FUNCTION_CALL if fun interface with suspend function declared in another module
  • KT-50998 [FIR] Int.inv() cal does not considered as compile time call
  • KT-51009 [FIR] Incorrect inference of lambda in position of return
  • KT-50997 [FIR] Incorrect type of typealias for suspend functional type
  • KT-49714 Compiler reports "'operator modifier is inapplicable" if expect class with increment operator is provided via type alias
  • KT-44623 "IllegalStateException: IdSignature is allowed only for PublicApi symbols" when suspending receiver is annotated with something
  • KT-46000 JVM / IR: AssertionError on isSubtypeOfClass check in copyValueParametersToStatic with Compose
  • KT-50211 Annotation Instantiation with default arguments in Native
  • KT-49412 Controversial "type argument is not within its bounds" reported by FIR
  • KT-48044 [FIR] Investigate behavior of UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED on complex cases
  • KT-37975 Don't show deprecation of enum class itself for its own member
  • KT-50737 Inheritance from SuspendFunction leads to compiler crash
  • KT-50723 Implement a fix of reporting of uninitialized parameter in default values of parameters
  • KT-50749 Implement UNSUPPORTED reporting on array literals inside objects in annotation classes
  • KT-50753 Implement reporting errors on cycles in annotation parameter types
  • KT-50758 Fix inconsistency of exceptions at init block for an enum entry with and without a qualifier name
  • KT-50182 CONST_VAL_NOT_TOP_LEVEL_OR_OBJECT: clarify error message for const in object expression
  • KT-50183 Fix missing apostrophe escapes in compiler error messages
  • KT-50822 Analysis API: make declaration transformers machinery to be a thread safe
  • KT-50835 Inline functions with suspend lambdas break the tail-call optimization
  • KT-49485 JVM / IR: StackOverflowError with long when-expression conditions
  • KT-35684 NI: "IllegalStateException: Expected some types" from builder-inference about intersecting empty types on trivial code
  • KT-48908 Error for annotation on parameter type could have distinct ID and message referring 1.6
  • KT-48907 SUPERTYPE_IS_SUSPEND_FUNCTION_TYPE error could have message referring version 1.6
  • KT-34338 Parameterless main causes duplicate JVM signature error
  • KT-50577 JVM_IR: No NPE when casting uninitialized value of non-null type to non-null type
  • KT-50476 JVM_IR: NSME when calling 'super.removeAt(Int)' implemented in Java interface as a default method
  • KT-50257 JVM_IR: Incorrect bridge delegate signature for renamed remove(I) causes SOE with Kotlin class inherited from fastutils IntArrayList
  • KT-50470 FIR: inapplicable candidate in delegate inference due to nullability
  • KT-32744 Inefficient compilation of null-safe call (extra null checks, unreachable code)
  • KT-36095 201: False positive OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITY with Java Enum.valueOf and Enum.values() reference


  • KT-50111 Resolving into KtUltraLightMethod

IDE. Decompiler, Indexing, Stubs

  • KT-51248 Function and parameter names with special symbols have to backticked

IDE. Multiplatform

  • KT-50952 MPP: Commonized cinterops doesn't attach/detach to source set on configuration changes


New Features

  • KT-51735 KJS / IR: Minimize member names in production mode

Performance Improvements

  • KT-51127 Kotlin/JS - IR generates plenty of useless Unit_getInstance()
  • KT-50212 KJS IR: Upcast should be a no-op
  • KT-16974 JS: Kotlin.charArrayOf is suboptimal due to Rhino bugs


  • KT-51125 Provide a way to use import keyword in js expressions
  • KT-50504 KJS / IR: Transpiled JS incorrectly uses the unscrambled names of internal fields
  • KT-52010 K/JS IR: both flows execute when using elvis operator
  • KT-51853 JS compilation fails with "Uninitialized fast cache info" error
  • KT-51205 K/JS IR: external class is mapped to any
  • KT-50806 Typescript definitions contain invalid nested block comments with generic parent and type argument without @JsExport
  • KT-51081 KJS / IR + IC: Passing an inline function with default params as a param to a higher-order function crashes the compiler
  • KT-51084 KJS / IR + IC: Cache invalidation doesn't check generic inline functions reified qualifier
  • KT-51211 K/JS IR: JsExport: Can't export nested enum
  • KT-51438 KJS / IR: Duplicated import names for the same external names
  • KT-50953 KJS IR: Incorrect nested commenting in d.ts
  • KT-15223 JS: function that overrides external function with vararg parameter is translated incorrectly
  • KT-50657 KJS / IR 1.6.20-M1-39 - Date in Kotlin JS cannot be created from long.

Language Design

  • KT-49006 Support at least three previous versions of language/API
  • KT-16768 Context-sensitive resolution prototype (Resolve unqualified enum constants based on expected type)
  • KT-50477 Functional conversion does not work on suspending functions
  • KT-32162 Allow generics for inline classes
  • KT-44866 Change behavior of private constructors of sealed classes
  • KT-49110 Prohibit access to members of companion of enum class from initializers of entries of this enum
  • KT-29405 Switch default JVM target version to 1.8


New Features

  • KT-50484 Extensions for java.util.Optional in stdlib
  • KT-50146 Reintroduce min/max(By/With) operations on collections with non-nullable return type
  • KT-46132 Specialized default time source with non-allocating time marks
  • KT-41890 Support named capture groups in Regex on Native
  • KT-48179 Introduce API to retrieve the number of CPUs the runtime has

Performance Improvements

  • KT-42178 Range and Progression should override last()


  • KT-51470 Stabilize experimental API for 1.7
  • KT-51775 JS: Support named capture groups in Regex
  • KT-51776 Native: Support back references to groups with multi-digit index
  • KT-51082 Introduce Enum.declaringJavaClass property
  • KT-48924 KJS: toString in base 36 produces different results in JS compare to JVM
  • KT-50742 Regular expression is fine on jvm but throws PatternSyntaxException for native macosX64 target
  • KT-50059 Stop publishing kotlin-stdlib and kotlin-test artifacts under modular classifier
  • KT-26678 Rename buildSequence/buildIterator to sequence/iterator


  • KT-49406 Kotlin/Native: generate standalone executable for androidNative targets by default
  • KT-48595 Enable Native embeddable compiler jar in Gradle plugin by default
  • KT-51377 Native: synthetic forward declarations are preferred over commonized definitions
  • KT-49145 Kotlin/Native static library compilation fails for androidNative*
  • KT-49496 Gradle (or the KMM plugin) is caching the Xcode Command Line Tools location
  • KT-49247 gradle --offline should translate into airplaneMode for kotin-native compiler

Native. C and ObjC Import

  • KT-49455 Methods from Swift extensions are not resolved in Kotlin shared module
  • KT-50648 Incorrect KMM cinterop conversion

Native. ObjC Export

  • KT-50982 RuntimeAssertFailedPanic in iOS when Kotlin framework is initialized before loading
  • KT-49937 Kotlin/Native 1.5.31: 'runtime assert: Unexpected selector clash' when 'override fun toString(): String' is used

Native. Runtime. Memory

  • KT-50713 Kotlin/Native: Enable Concurrent Sweep GC by default

Native. Stdlib

  • KT-50312 enhancement: kotlin native -- add alloc<TVarOf>(T)

Native. Testing

  • KT-50316 Kotlin/Native: Produce a list of available tests alongside the final artifact
  • KT-50139 Create tests for Enter/Leave frame optimization


  • KT-27598 "KotlinReflectionInternalError" when using callBy on constructor that has inline class parameters
  • KT-31141 IllegalArgumentException when reflectively accessing nullable property of inline class type

Tools. CLI

  • KT-29974 Add a compiler option '-Xjdk-release' similar to javac's '--release' to control the target JDK version
  • KT-51717 IllegalArgumentException: Unexpected versionNeededToExtract (0) in 1.6.20-RC2 with useFir enabled
  • KT-51673 Make language version description not in capital letters
  • KT-48833 -Xsuppress-version-warnings allows to suppress errors about unsupported versions
  • KT-51627 kotlinc fails with java.lang.RuntimeException if /tmp/build.txt file exists on the disk
  • KT-51306 Support reading language settings from an environment variable and overriding the current settings by them

Tools. Commonizer

  • KT-52050 [Commonizer] 'platform.posix.DIR' not implementing 'CPointed' when commonized for 'nativeMain' on linux or windows hosts
  • KT-51224 MPP: For optimistically commonized numbers missed kotlinx.cinterop.UnsafeNumber
  • KT-51215 MPP: Update Kdoc description for kotlinx.cinterop.UnsafeNumber
  • KT-51686 Cinterop: Overload resolution ambiguity in 1.6.20-RC2
  • KT-46636 HMPP: missed classes from platform.posix.*
  • KT-51332 Optimistic number commonization is disabled by default in KGP with enabled HMPP

Tools. Gradle

New Features

  • KT-50869 Provide API that allow AGP to set up Kotlin compilation
  • KT-48008 Consider offering a KotlinBasePlugin
  • KT-49227 Support Gradle plugins variants


  • KT-52189 Provide Gradle Kotlin/DSL friendly deprecated classpath property in KotlinCompiler task
  • KT-51360 Show performance difference in percent between releases
  • KT-51380 Add open-source project using Kotlin/JS plugin to build regression benchmarks
  • KT-51937 Toolchain usage with configuration cache prevents KotlinCompile task to be UP-TO-DATE
  • KT-48276 Remove kotlin2js and kotlin-dce-plugin
  • KT-52138 KSP could not access internal methods/properties in Kotlin Gradle Plugin
  • KT-51342 Set minimal supported Android Gradle plugin version to 3.6.4
  • KT-50494 Remove kotlin.experimental.coroutines Gradle DSL option
  • KT-49733 Bump minimal supported Gradle version to 6.7.1
  • KT-48831 Remove 'KotlinGradleSubplugin'
  • KT-51830 Gradle: deprecate kotlin.compiler.execution.strategy system property
  • KT-47763 Gradle DSL: Remove deprecated useExperimentalAnnotation and experimentalAnnotationInUse
  • KT-51374 NoSuchFileException in getOrCreateSessionFlagFile()
  • KT-51837 kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.6.20 fails xray scan on shadowed Gson 2.8.6.
  • KT-45745 Migrate only Kotlin Gradle Plugin tests to new JUnit5 DSL and run them separately on CI
  • KT-47318 Remove deprecated 'kotlinPluginVersion' property in `KotlinBasePluginWrapper'
  • KT-51378 Gradle 'buildSrc' compilation fails when newer version of Kotlin plugin is added to the build script classpath
  • KT-46038 Gradle: kotlin_module files are corrupted in the KotlinCompile output, and gets cached
  • KT-51064 Kotlin gradle build hangs on MetricsContainer.flush
  • KT-31027 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method hashCode(Z)I in class Ljava/lang/Boolean; or its super classes (declaration of 'java.lang.Boolean' appears in /system/framework/core-libart.jar)

Tools. Gradle. JS

  • KT-51414 Allow set up environment variables for JS tests
  • KT-51623 Kotlin/JS: Mocha could not failed when external module not found
  • KT-51503 Update NPM dependency versions

Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform

  • KT-51765 in multiplatform project without android target should not trigger warning
  • KT-51386 [KPM] IdeaKotlinProjectModelBuilder: Implement dependencies
  • KT-51262 [KPM] IDEA import: Move model builder to KGP
  • KT-51220 [KPM][Android] Implement generic data storage and import pipeline
  • KT-48649 No run task generated for macosArm64 target in Gradle plugin

Tools. Gradle. Native

  • KT-51884 Gradle Native: "A problem occurred starting process 'command 'xcodebuild''" when building assembleFooXCFramework task on Linux

Tools. Incremental Compile

  • KT-51546 FIR incremental compilation fails with assertion "Trying to inline an anonymous object which is not part of the public ABI"
  • KT-44741 Incremental compilation: inspectClassesForKotlinIC doesn't determine changes with imported constant

Tools. Kapt

  • KT-51132 KAPT: Support reporting the number of generated files by each annotation processor
  • KT-30172 Kapt: Shutdown kotlinc gracefully in case of error in annotation processor

Tools. Scripts

  • KT-52186 Scripts: Backend Internal error: Exception during IR lowering when using symbol from a dependency inside a function
  • KT-51731 Script: jsr223 memory leak in spring-boot Fat Jar
  • KT-49258 Scripts: method 'void ()' not found with multiple evals using kotlin script JSR223
  • KT-51346 Scripts: "BackendException: Exception during IR lowering" with variable of imported script inside class


File Sha256 eb066c03009801f973fb4629bc2ff2dd7a95cbd2283c6472179f0f9026e2f091
kotlin-native-linux-x86_64-1.7.0-Beta.tar.gz 6f89015e1dfbc7b535e540a22a004ef3e6e4f04349e4a894ed45e703c3b3116f
kotlin-native-macos-x86_64-1.7.0-Beta.tar.gz a5ba0ce86ebd3cc625456c7180b3d890bc2808ef9f14f8d56dd6ab3bb103a4ef
kotlin-native-macos-aarch64-1.7.0-Beta.tar.gz c971cdf36eb733e249170458c567ad7c38fe0a801f6a784b2de54e3eda49c329 dec9c2019e73b887851794040c7809074578aca41341b15a929433183d01eb8d

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