github JetBrains/kotlin v1.6.20-M1
Kotlin 1.6.20-M1

latest releases: build-2.0.20-dev-6872, build-2.0.20-dev-6861, build-2.0.20-dev-6846...
pre-release2 years ago



New Features

  • KT-48217 Add an annotation JvmDefaultWithCompatibility to allow generating DefaultImpls classes if -Xjvm-default=all option is used
  • KT-49857 Require Xcode 13 for building Kotlin/Native compiler
  • KT-47701 Support instantiation of annotation classes on Native
  • KT-46085 Support experimental parallel compilation of a single module in the JVM backend
  • KT-46603 Generate SAM-conversions to Java interfaces extending '' as serializable using java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory

Performance Improvements

  • KT-50156 HMPP: Slow frontend/ide performance in OKIO (ExpectActualDeclarationChecker)
  • KT-50073 Performance regression in adapted function references
  • KT-50076 Performance regression in super call to an interface member in $DefaultImpls
  • KT-50080 Performance regression in string template with generic property with primitive upper bound
  • KT-50084 Performance regression in concatenation with 'String?'
  • KT-50078 Performance regression in for-in-array loop
  • KT-50039 Performance regression in inner class constructor call with default parameters
  • KT-48784 An anonymous class has fields for variables that are only used in the constructor
  • KT-42010 Generate IINC instruction for postfix increment in JVM_IR
  • KT-48433 JVM_IR don't generate null check on 'this$0' parameter of inner class constructor
  • KT-48435 JVM_IR ConstForLoopBenchmark performance regression
  • KT-48507 JVM_IR ForLoopBenchmark regressions
  • KT-48640 Performance regression in 'longDownToLoop' benchmarks
  • KT-29822 Generate specialized bytecode for loops withIndex over unsigned arrays
  • KT-48669 Generate optimizable counter loop for loops over indices of unsigned arrays
  • KT-49444 Possible performance degradation with UInt downTo loop
  • KT-48944 Possible performance regression with comparison of local KFunctions
  • KT-17111 Eliminate redundant store/load instructions when the value stored is simple
  • KT-36837 Generate more compact code for for-in-range loop in JVM_IR
  • KT-48947 JVM / IR Possible performance regression with string templates
  • KT-48931 JVM / IR: Performance degradation with string concatenation
  • KT-36654 Generate more compact bytecode for safe call in JVM_IR


  • KT-48544 JVM / IR: "UnsupportedOperationException: Unknown structure of ADAPTER_FOR_CALLABLE_REFERENCE" with callable reference ::arrayOf
  • KT-49658 NI: False negative TYPE_MISMATCH on nullable type with when
  • KT-50978 [Native] Error while building static cache: NoSuchElementException at IrTypeInlineClassesSupport.getInlinedClassUnderlyingType(InlineClasses.kt:341)
  • KT-50977 [Native] Error while building static cache: IllegalStateException: Class CLASS ENUM_ENTRY is not found at KonanIrlinkerKt.findClass(KonanIrlinker.kt:229)
  • KT-50976 [Native] Error while building static cache: IllegalStateException: No descriptor found at DescriptorByIdSignatureFinder.findDescriptorForPublicSignature(DescriptorByIdSignatureFinder.kt:157)
  • KT-51080 Line number in mapping for the first instruction is lost
  • KT-49526 JVM IR: Function reference with non-denotable intersection type argument is not inlined and is incorrectly approximated
  • KT-50399 Error: unexpected variance in super type argument: out @0
  • KT-50649 JVM IR: ClassCastException when returning Result as generic type
  • KT-50617 JVM IR: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException "Empty list doesn't contain element at index 0" when class and interface have the same name and extension function is used
  • KT-45693 False negative INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES with when with generic subject
  • KT-50797 Implement fix for false negative UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED with generic typealias using not all type parameters as arguments for underlying type
  • KT-43493 NI: @BuilderInference prevents compilation error of "Operator '==' cannot be applied to 'Long' and 'Int'"
  • KT-48945 JVM IR: special bridge for get is not generated in a Map subclass
  • KT-49829 Wrong "cast can never succeed" diagnostic with builder inference
  • KT-49828 Improve builder inference diagnostics with overload resolution ambiguity
  • KT-50989 CCE cause by EmptySubstitutor in ResolutionWithStubTypesChecker
  • KT-48899 Report warnings on overrides with wrong types nullability
  • KT-49461 Implement prohibitation of access to members of companion of enum class from initializers of entries of this enum
  • KT-49754 Kotlin/JS: @JsExport on enum class reports NON_EXPORTABLE_TYPE warning
  • KT-49598 Misleading error message "Using @JvmRecord is only allowed with -jvm-target 15 and -Xjvm-enable-preview flag enabled"
  • KT-44133 Inline classes: class literal in annotation arguments uses underlying type
  • KT-47703 ClassCastException: Programmatically created annotation can't hold Array<KClass<*>>
  • KT-47549 JVM / IR: Null argument in ExpressionCodegen for parameter VALUE_PARAMETER CONTINUATION_CLASS caused by suspend function inside "fun interface" in another file
  • KT-50120 HMPP: False positive [NO_VALUE_FOR_PARAMETER] for expect function usages
  • KT-48499 Interface call with an inline/value parameter generates AbstractMethodError after rebuilding the module, but NOT the file.
  • KT-49864 JVM IR: NoSuchMethodError calling default interface method with inline class return type in -Xjvm-default=all mode
  • KT-49812 JVM / IR: "java.lang.VerifyError: Bad return type" when using Result type attribute + extension function with same name
  • KT-49936 Extension property in a data class with the same name as the constructor parameter leads to incorrect component function being resolved and generated
  • KT-48181 "ISE: Null argument in ExpressionCodegen for parameter VALUE_PARAMETER" on creating instance of kotlin.Metadata
  • KT-50215 VerifyError caused by missing cast after is check in when
  • KT-49977 "Parameter specified as non-null is null" when inline class implements interface method with default parameters
  • KT-50385 DUPLICATE_LABEL_IN_WHEN is reported on incorrect branches
  • KT-49092 JVM: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on compiling call with if expression and TODO() arguments
  • KT-48987 JVM / IR: Smartcast, which never succeed, crashes the compiler
  • KT-49998 JVM: missing default value for annotation parameter of an unsigned type
  • KT-50277 Invalid bytecode generated for inline lambda in suspend function
  • KT-44561 FIR DFA: extract non-null info from comparison against variable with initial constant value
  • KT-44560 FIR DFA: propagate non-null info to original variables in not-null assertion or cast expression
  • KT-50258 equals() returns false on the same enum instances if we check it for the second time in when
  • KT-47483 JVM IR: "NoSuchElementException: Sequence contains no element matching the predicate" on compiling Array instantiation with TODO
  • KT-49765 JVM: ClassCastException when trying to add object to EmptyList
  • KT-46879 "AssertionError: Stack should be spilled before suspension call" with Flow and reified type
  • KT-50172 "AssertionError: Not a callable reflection type" on local function reference with the same name as local variable
  • KT-49443 JVM IR, Script: "IllegalStateException: No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER INSTANCE_RECEIVER" with constructor call of class that has a top-level extension function call
  • KT-50193 Garbage collection is not working the same way after jvm-ir-backend change
  • KT-19424 Compilation exception for script with property delegate calling operator invoke on an object
  • KT-43995 Script: "IllegalStateException: No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER INSTANCE_RECEIVER" if companion object initializer calls method on list
  • KT-30616 Script: "Don't know how to generate outer expression" for top-level variable reference from static context (companion object, enum)
  • KT-47000 Allow graceful migration to -Xjvm-default=all-compatibility by allowing to inherit from interfaces even in the old (-Xjvm-default=disable) mode
  • KT-50171 JVM IR: "UninitializedPropertyAccessException: Parent not initialized: IrVariableImpl" on SAM-converted property setter reference with Double parameter inside lambda
  • KT-50140 Internal error on explicit string concatenation of generic type value with 'String' upper bound
  • KT-49992 Anonymous object should not have access to private members from supertypes
  • KT-49973 Check existing of default error message for all diagnostics
  • KT-50019 Property delegated to callable reference: "ISE: Local class should have its name computed in InventNamesForLocalClasses" with -Xno-optimized-callable-references
  • KT-49645 JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: Local class should have its name computed" caused by default suspend function in interface and value class
  • KT-50028 Incorrect implicit casts from Unit
  • KT-49615 JVM / IR: "Exception during IR lowering" with list of value classes with non-trivial constructor inside suspend lambda
  • KT-49127 FIR: smart cast is not performed after comparison
  • KT-48708 Incorrect cast from Unit to Int
  • KT-48376 FIR: False positive UNITIALIZED_VARIABLE after try/finally with return from try
  • KT-48113 FIR: (false) positive EQUALITY_NOT_APPLICABLE for intersection with platform type
  • KT-48305 FIR: incorrect raw type cast
  • KT-48378 FIR: synthetic accessor lowering should not attempt to modify other files
  • KT-48634 FIR: false property-setter-function resolve cycle
  • KT-48621 FIR: SyntheticAccessorLowering should not attempt to modify other files for protected JvmField
  • KT-48381 Invalid LLVM module: verification failure of createInlineClassInArgumentPosition.kt
  • KT-48527 Native: top-level properties in files with @Test functions are initialized eagerly even if lazy initialization is enabled
  • KT-48559 IllegalArgumentException: Unexpected super type argument: * @ 0 during IR lowering
  • KT-48687 IR dump mismatch after deep copy with symbols in IR text test
  • KT-44811 [FIR] Exception in body resolve of new contracts
  • KT-48363 FIR behaves differently in case of resolution between classifier and top-level property
  • KT-48801 "AssertionError: Stack should be spilled before suspension call" with Flow and crossinline
  • KT-46389 JVM / IR: "ClassCastException: class IrGetValueImpl cannot be cast to class IrConst" with inheritance of supertypes member functions with similar signatures
  • KT-47797 Regression during migration to 1.6 in compiler
  • KT-47987 Can't infer a postponed type variable based on callable reference receiver type
  • KT-48446 "IllegalStateException: IrErrorType (getErasedUpperBound)" caused by suspend function reference
  • KT-48651 Collect intermediate annotations during type expanding
  • KT-48754 JVM IR: in EnclosingMethod leads to IncompatibleClassChangeError on Android 5.0
  • KT-45034 Use the new type inference for top-level callable references
  • KT-49001 OptIn marker should spread from class to its members, taking into account real dispatch receiver type
  • KT-49038 Generics are discriminated during callable references resolution (false negative)
  • KT-48954 JVM IR: IllegalAccessError when using Java method reference in constructor
  • KT-48284 JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: Function has no body: FUN STATIC_INLINE_CLASS_REPLACEMENT" caused by inline member toString of value class and string interpolation
  • KT-49053 JVM / IR: "AssertionError: Unbound symbols not allowed" on inheriting a protected Java method that returns a package private class from a differently-named file
  • KT-49106 JVM: infinite recursion with overridden default suspend interface method where override calls super
  • KT-45345 FIR DFA: FirDataFlowAnalyzer seems to add wrong type constraints for type parameters
  • KT-44513 FIR DFA: extract non-null info from x?.y!!
  • KT-44559 FIR DFA: propagate non-null info from not-null assertion (!!)
  • KT-46371 FIR: Investigate FunctionType -> ExtensionFunctionType coercion
  • KT-49078 FIR: false positive TYPE_VARIANCE_CONFLICT
  • KT-47135 FIR: local class references does not compile
  • KT-48600 NON_TAIL_RECURSIVE_CALL missing for calls inside lambda
  • KT-48602 NON_TAIL_RECURSIVE_CALL missing for calls with explicit dispatch receiver to a singleton
  • KT-48982 JVM / IR: KotlinNothingValueException caused by function with local object
  • KT-49087 FIR: false positive REPEATED_ANNOTATION
  • KT-48648 JVM IR: "AssertionError: Should be primitive or nullable primitive type" with @JvmField generic property with Number upper bound
  • KT-49069 FIR: False positive INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME on getter
  • KT-49203 JVM IR: "AssertionError: Unbound symbols not allowed" with lateinit var and plusAssign operator convention call
  • KT-48993 JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: Validation failed in file <multi-file facade ...>" using @JvmMultifileClass and one of the symbols in the file exposes a @JvmInline value class
  • KT-48938 FIR: Investigate how priorities should work in case SAM-conversion + type parameters
  • KT-49076 FIR: false positive "An annotation argument must be compile-time constant" on array of imports
  • KT-49222 FIR: StackOverflow in MethodSignatureMapper
  • KT-49083 FIR erroneously requires default value parameters for override calls when imported from object
  • KT-49135 FIR: ambiguity between type alias and function
  • KT-49134 FIR makes no difference between lambda with empty parameter list and without explicit parameter list
  • KT-49301 FIR: Unresolved reference: for object inherited from inner class
  • KT-49070 FIR: ABSTRACT_CLASS_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED with type parameter / class conflict
  • KT-49133 FIR: protected java.lang.Throwable constructor is not available
  • KT-49407 JVM / IR: "java.lang.VerifyError: Bad local variable type" with "Int.mod" inside "Long.mod" and non-trivial argument
  • KT-38698 MANY_INTERFACES_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED error message: interface is called a "class"
  • KT-45001 Confusing warning message "This class can only be used with the compiler argument" for @OptIn annotation
  • KT-49411 JVM / IR: NullPointerException during IR lowering with @JvmField property in loop range
  • KT-49260 FIR: make FirBasedSymbol hierarchy to correspond FirDeclaration hierarchy
  • KT-49289 FIR: false positive "return required" for if/else with inlined return in branch
  • KT-49316 JVM / IR: "AssertionError: SyntheticAccessorLowering should not attempt to modify other files!" caused by unreachable code which try to modify val from the other package
  • KT-45915 NoDescriptorForDeclarationException: Descriptor wasn't found for declaration FUN with circular module dependencies in JPS
  • KT-49288 FIR2IR: consider generating all fake override calls properly
  • KT-42784 FIR2IR: first create fake overrides, then bind overridden to them
  • KT-48816 Kotlin/Native Symbol for public platform.darwin/NSObject|null[100] is unbound
  • KT-49372 JVM / IR: Incorrect work of the loop optimization for mutable variable
  • KT-49356 Native: UnsupportedOperationException: RETURNABLE_BLOCK caused by nested return with boxing and inline
  • KT-49659 JVM IR: Missing value class mangling in SAM wrappers for fun interfaces from different modules
  • KT-47101 Incorrect scope for supertypes in companion objects
  • KT-49360 Invalid LLVM module: "inlinable function call in a function with debug info must have a !dbg location"
  • KT-48430 JVM: ClassCastException with inline class as generic argument for type parameter used in a function type
  • KT-49575 IllegalArgumentException: Unhandled intrinsic in ExpressionCodegen with circular module dependencies in JPS
  • KT-47669 IR inliner doesn't handle inner class functions referring outer this
  • KT-48668 JVM IR: "ISE: Value at CLASS must not be null for CLASS" for modules with a dependency cycle
  • KT-49370 JVM / IR: "java.lang.VerifyError: Bad local variable type" with "fun Long.mod" and non-trivial argument
  • KT-46744 Memory Leaks in Kotlin daemon
  • KT-48806 False-negative USED_AS_EXPRESSION for unreachable catch clauses
  • KT-45972 FIR: type is incorrectly resolved to private
  • KT-46968 Remove FirCompositeScope from type resolve
  • KT-49072 FIR: accidental resolve to private-in-file type
  • KT-34822 FIR scopes: deal with nested / inner classes and type parameter priority
  • KT-49702 Exception from RENDER_WHEN_MISSING_CASES diagnostic on malformed sealed class inheritor
  • KT-49860 [FIR] Add smartcast expression to synthetic subj access
  • KT-49836 Inference fails on lambda and adjacent function expressions with receiver
  • KT-49832 Inference fails on lambda for function types with extension parameter
  • KT-49793 JVM: IncompatibleClassChangeError: Expected non-static field when property delegation uses receiver of another delegated property
  • KT-44022 Excessive diagnostics range for DECLARATION_CANT_BE_INLINED
  • KT-48690 VERSION_REQUIREMENT_DEPRECATION_ERROR message: use current compiler version instead of language version
  • KT-49609 Incorrect grammar in DATA_CLASS_NOT_PROPERTY_PARAMETER error message
  • KT-49600 Misspelled error message for non-constructor properties with backing fields in @JvmRecord class
  • KT-49339 Warn about synchronizing on value classes
  • KT-49950 Compilation failed: An operation is not implemented: IrBasedTypeParameterDescriptor
  • KT-23890 Default arguments are not transferred from expect generic member functions
  • KT-48811 Expect/actual class with default constructor argument values can not be instantiated from a shared source set without passing arguments (with HMPP enabled)
  • KT-48106 FIR: incorrect type inference in provideDelegate receiver
  • KT-48325 Safe call operator prevents object from being garbage collected before leaving function
  • KT-48104 FIR does not see NotNull/Nullable annotations on type arguments
  • KT-46812 [FIR] Make FIR diagnostics not related to Diagnostics from FE 1.0
  • KT-37374 [FIR] Add CheckInfixModifier resolution stage
  • KT-38351 FIR: Support CheckOperatorModifier resolution stage
  • KT-39614 [FIR] Fix building CFG for different candidates of plus assign call
  • KT-40197 [FIR] Strange Behaviour of Type Arguments
  • KT-40362 [FIR] Match type arguments with type parameters of corresponding qualifier
  • KT-40375 FIR: No transformation implicit type -> error type for function value parameters
  • KT-40585 [FIR] Incorrect type for 1/1.0
  • KT-42525 [FIR] Incorrect IR produced for java.lang.Byte.MAX_VALUE
  • KT-43359 FIR: Check applicability type for callable reference with unbound receiver
  • KT-43378 FIR: Support or prohibit via call checker callable references to member extensions
  • KT-43289 FIR: Correctly load irrelevant override for special built-ins
  • KT-44558 Annotation arguments const expr support is missing in FIR
  • KT-45223 [FIR] Ambiguity between explicit and synthetic removeAt
  • KT-42215 FIR: callable reference resolution with type constraints at call-sites
  • KT-45520 FIR: NONE_APPLICABLE for unsafe call to function with overloads instead of UNSAFE_CALL
  • KT-46410 [FIR] Transform of FirAugmentedArraySetCall leaves erroneous nodes in control flow graph
  • KT-46421 FIR: Investigate builder-inference cases
  • KT-43948 FIR: hidden unresolved callable reference
  • KT-46558 FIR DFA: run once contract is not considered when analyzing lambda
  • KT-47125 FIR: Do not avoid trivial constraints if they aren't from upper bounds
  • KT-43691 FIR: false positive VARIABLE_INITIALIZER_IS_REDUNDANT with usage in try...finally
  • KT-37311 [FIR] Support inference of callable references with type variable as expected type
  • KT-31972 Error type encountered: org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.ErrorUtils$UninferredParameterTypeConstructor@1f5b38c2 (ErrorType).
  • KT-48761 Report NO_TAIL_CALLS_FOUND on 'tailrec' modifier, not on the whole function header
  • KT-47647 NI: Function reference to Java static method can't compile if passed directly as KFunction1 parameter
  • KT-46995 Fix setters implicit types only resolved on full body resolve
  • KT-46359 Kotlin 1.5 lambda is not Java-serializable by default
  • KT-49282 FIR: suspend conversion does not work inside suspend lambda
  • KT-38813 FIR: Report INSTANCE_ACCESS_BEFORE_SUPER_CALL diagnostic on receiver usages in secondary constructors headers
  • KT-49657 FIR: accidental override with get:JvmName
  • KT-49655 FIR: smart cast is not performed after update of var to not-null value in branch


  • KT-42194 OOME: Java heap space from incremental compilation

IDE. Gradle Integration

  • KT-47570 MPP, IDE: kotlin-test-common leaks into dependencies of platform-specific source sets


New Features

  • KT-43224 KJS: Allow using inline classes in external types
  • KT-35100 Make Char inline class in K/JS
  • KT-47525 KJS / IR: Support protected members in d.ts generation
  • KT-44494 KJS / IR: Allow enum classes to be exported
  • KT-50110 KJS / IR: Enable properties lazy initialization by default

Performance Improvements

  • KT-43644 KJS / IR: Avoid creating lambda classes


  • KT-50934 KJS / IR: Re-export all JS-exports from the main module for the multi-module mode
  • KT-45620 KJS / IR: Remainder of division of Int.MIN_VALUE by -1 is negative zero (-0)
  • KT-46225 KJS IR: tailrec function with capturing lambda in default parameter value leads to UninitializedPropertyAccessException at compile time
  • KT-50512 KJS / IR: IC failed with const val in inline fun
  • KT-49738 Ensure that @AfterTest is invoked after the @Test function completes for asynchronous tests
  • KT-45542 KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException" for method with default argument in expect class
  • KT-50464 KJS IR: Functions with optional parameters and stable names are exported without @JsExport
  • KT-43374 KJS / IR: "class org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.backend.ast.JsIf cannot be cast to class org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.backend.ast.JsExpressionStatement" caused by if-else expression inside when
  • KT-20791 ushr Behavior differs in Javascript and Java targets
  • KT-37916 KJS: .d.ts generation not working for enum classes
  • KT-49844 KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException: IrSimpleFunctionSymbolImpl is already bound" with callable reference
  • KT-46961 KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException: Can't find name for declaration" when external object contains enum class
  • KT-43191 KJS / IR: static companion field is not static in d.ts
  • KT-39891 [KJS / IR] String interpolation and byte shift round Long value
  • KT-50040 JS IR: "Function must be an accessor of corresponding property" exception on private properties with getter in an exported class
  • KT-49878 Kotlin/JS, IR: incremental compilation fails with CCE: "class StageController cannot be cast to class WholeWorldStageController"
  • KT-46202 KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException" on exported value class
  • KT-42039 KJS / IR: JsQualifier annotation can cause conflicts with built-in functions
  • KT-39364 KJS: Can't export sealed class/object with subclasses inside the body to typescript definition
  • KT-47360 KJS / IR: js() function with string val
  • KT-47376 KJS / IR: Incorrect d.ts generation for sealed classes
  • KT-47767 KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException" with inline function with several lambda invocation declared through typealias
  • KT-47342 KJS / IR: "StackOverflowError" on InlinerTypeRemapper.remapTypeArguments
  • KT-46218 KJS / IR: Incorrect result for local tailrec function called from capturing inline lambda
  • KT-45056 KJS / IR: Inconsistent ordinal property value for enum classes
  • KT-47096 KJS / IR: Console.log introduces spaces between each character
  • KT-47516 KJS / IR: Wrong behavior when trying to access property in enum entry
  • KT-47806 KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException" with invocation of extension function with generic and lambda parameter on String.Companion
  • KT-49225 KJS: Default value for value class parameter is not considered
  • KT-49326 KJS / IR: Overridden properties should not be exported
  • KT-49363 KJS / IR: Nested declarations inside exported object are not exported
  • KT-49300 KJS: Source map generator leaks source files descriptors when source embedding is enabled
  • KT-50197 KJS IR: using APIs in different packages but with same method name generates clashes
  • KT-50203 JS IR BE: new IC for lowerings
  • KT-43250 KJS / IR: "Can't find name for declaration FUN" with Json#encodeToString as function reference
  • KT-46992 KJS / IR: Incorrect boxing of inline classes returned by crossinline suspend lambdas
  • KT-49776 KJS / IR: inliner doesn't handle inner class functions referring outer this
  • KT-49849 KJS / IR: Access of exported member properties should be by its stable name
  • KT-49850 KJS / IR: Member properties in exported class should be getter/setter in d.ts

Language Design

  • KT-42435 Prototype multiple receivers
  • KT-48385 Deprecate confusing grammar in when-with-subject
  • KT-50251 Support language version 1.3 in Kotlin 1.6.20
  • KT-19423 Script: reference from class to script top-level member is incompilable
  • KT-17765 Ambiguity between SAM adapters when one SAM interface is sub type of another
  • KT-10926 False overload resolution ambiguity when both vararg and collection match
  • KT-41214 JDK 17: Emit PermittedSubclasses attribute when compiling sealed classes


  • KT-44089 Java version checking doesn't work on Android
  • KT-50033 Some packages of kotlin-stdlib with public API are not exported in module-info
  • KT-48367 Using synchronized on captured object leads to slow JVM execution
  • KT-49721 KJS: Regex("\b").findAll yields infinite sequence when a zero length match is found before a surrogate pair (e.g. emoji)


  • KT-49348 KONAN_NO_64BIT_ATOMIC does not guard Kotlin_AtomicLong_addAndGet
  • KT-42500 KLIB: K/N compiler cannot link with a library with incorrect symbol in the name or the path
  • KT-49395 K/N: After 1.5.20, compiling code including KSuspendFunction3 to framework leads to "Assertion failed at parametersAssociated"
  • KT-49967 Kotlin iOS regex issue
  • KT-49873 Native does not sort Strings correctly
  • KT-49347 androidNativeArm32 binaries crash when using atomic operations
  • KT-49144 Kotlin/Native executable early segmentation fault
  • KT-49463 --dry-run flag for llvm_builder/
  • KT-49597 Kotlin/Native: Exporting the Arrow library into the framework causes StackOverflowError in the Devirtualization phase
  • KT-49790 "Undefined symbols" error when linking project with kotest 5.0.0.RC and Kotlin 1.6

Native. Build Infrastructure

  • KT-48625 Native: distribution doesn't contain sources for kotlin.test

Native. C Export

  • KT-47828 Kotlin/Native: Kotlin exception is not filtered out on interop border when producing a dynamic library with compiler caches enabled

Native. C and ObjC Import

  • KT-35059 Better "could not build module" cinterop report
  • KT-49768 Kotlin/Native: Add -Xoverride-konan-properties to cinterop.

Native. ObjC Export

  • KT-47399 Kotlin Native - Objective-C with Swift 5.5 Async Function Needs Returning KotlinUnit
  • KT-48282 Kotlin sealed class roots and abstract classes within sealed hierarchies have their constructors exposed to Objective-C/Swift
  • KT-46866 Memory consumption / performance of Kotlin classes with String property in KMP project on iOS Swift

Native. Platform Libraries

  • KT-50045 Kotlin/Native: Re-enable disabled Hypervisor framework
  • KT-47331 Kotlin/Native: support Xcode 13 SDKs

Native. Runtime

  • KT-50491 Kotlin/Native: Deadlock in the Ktor server tests with the new memory manager

Native. Runtime. Memory

  • KT-49497 iOS Swift "runtime assert: Must be positive" and "runtime assert: cycle collector shall only work with single object containers"
  • KT-50026 Kotlin/Native: Make AtomicReference behave like FreezableAtomicReference with the new MM
  • KT-49013 Kotlin/Native: Correctly switch thread state to native for spin locks

Native. Testing

  • KT-48561 Test sideEffectInTopLevelInitializerMultiModule fails with new MM


  • KT-50198 Reflection: NPE from kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics.areEqual with Spock

Tools. Android Extensions

  • KT-50627 NullPointerException when using kotlin-android-extensions synthetic after updating Kotlin to 1.6.10
  • KT-50887 kotlin-android-extensions plugin breaks when package attribute missing from AndroidManifest.xml

Tools. CLI

  • KT-46329 Deprecated -Xjvm-default values are not reported
  • KT-48027 "Module ... cannot be found in the module graph" with module-info in META-INF/versions
  • KT-48417 CLI: boolean -X arguments accept a value after '=' which is ignored
  • KT-11164 Allow running class files with '.class' extension in 'kotlin' script
  • KT-46171 NoClassDefFoundError produced when running kotlin script

Tools. Commonizer

  • KT-48856 MPP: Unable to resolve c-interop dependency for test compilation in an intermediate source set with the only platform
  • KT-46257 MPP: Stdlib included more than once for an enabled hierarchical commonization
  • KT-48288 [Commonizer] platform.posix.timespec.tv_sec not commonized in OKIO
  • KT-47574 [Commonizer] TypeAliasTypeCommonization: Properly substitute underlying type arguments
  • KT-48221 MPP: Too few targets specified if platform test source set depends on main
  • KT-47100 [Commonizer] Commonize underlying type-alias types

Tools. Compiler Plugins

  • KT-50718 Unable to serialize an object with a generic field
  • KT-50764 Kotlin 1.6.10 custom serializers for a generic type receive the unit serializer on jvm
  • KT-46444 JVM IR, serialization: "AssertionError: No such value argument slot in IrConstructorCallImpl: 0" with KSerializer of ClosedRange

Tools. Gradle

New Features

  • KT-41689 Support statistics for Configuration Cache
  • KT-49299 Add more flexible way for defining Kotlin compiler execution strategy
  • KT-21056 Kotlin Gradle Plugin tasks execution should be parallelized by default

Performance Improvements

  • KT-50664 Compile speed regression going from Kotlin 1.5.31 to 1.6.10 for incremental changes when Java class in a dependent child module w/ kapt is modified w/o a method/class signature change
  • KT-48884 Configuration performance regression in Kotlin Gradle plugin 1.5.30
  • KT-49782 Improve compilation task outputs snapshot performance


  • KT-48134 Debug log level causes build cache miss
  • KT-49014 Disable Explicit API is not possible
  • KT-48408 Build may fail with strict JVM target validation mode when project has no Kotlin sources
  • KT-50620 Gradle Kotlin Plugin crashes in CI due to hostname resolving issue
  • KT-49921 Setup basic release performance regression tests
  • KT-50369 Deprecate kotlin.experimental.coroutines Gradle DSL option and kotlin.coroutines property
  • KT-48046 Gradle Throws Exception From Kotlin Plugin: destinationDir must not be null
  • KT-50037 Kotlin compile task registers more than one task action and their order of execution is counter-intuitive
  • KT-49772 Kotlin in-process compilation does not release file handles
  • KT-47215 KJS: "UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property fileHasher has not been initialized" when running kotlinNpmInstall or rootPackageJson locally
  • KT-46406 Remove '' build property

Tools. Gradle. JS

  • KT-49253 KJS / Gradle: Error while evaluating property 'filteredArgumentsMap' of task ':compileProductionExecutableKotlinJs'
  • KT-49037 KJS / Gradle: Configuration cache usage on large projects lead to high memory consumption by Gradle daemon
  • KT-49902 Kotlin/JS: Gradle: with --debug it still runs yarn without --ignore-scripts
  • KT-49808 KJS / Gradle: NPE when running node.js Mocha tests with configuration cache reuse
  • KT-49530 KJS: Update Node.JS and Yarn
  • KT-49445 KJS / IR: "AssertionError: Built-in class kotlin.Unit is not found" 1.5.31 fails on consuming artifacts built with 1.6.0

Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform

  • KT-49089 An annotation class annotated with @OptionalExpectation can not be used in another module with HMPP enabled
  • KT-48818 False positive warning about used enableDependencyPropagation flag with enabled hierarchical mpp by default
  • KT-49596 Composite Metadata Jar: Read location of cinterops from KotlinProjectStructureMetadata file
  • KT-41823 Default arguments not work in iosMain metadata with enableGranularSourceSetsMetadata
  • KT-50574 Only enable cinterop metadata transformation when 'kotlin.mpp.enableCInteropCommonization' is set

Tools. Gradle. Native

New Features

  • KT-47633 Accept version when configuring cocoapods for kotlin/native
  • KT-42630 CocoaPods Gradle plugin: Allow customization of podspec properties
  • KT-48553 Kotlin/Native: use Gradle Shared Build Service to read
  • KT-47529 Read list of opt-in cacheable native targets from


  • KT-49484 Kotlin/Native: XCFramework should include dSYM files for release artifacts
  • KT-47768 Gradle MPP plugin: K/N targets break task configuration avoidance for assemble task
  • KT-49971 Make 'embedAndSignAppleFrameworkForXcode' task visible for users
  • KT-43815 [CocoaPods Plugin] Pod name cannot be changed
  • KT-42105 Multiplatform Cocoapod kotlin plugin doesn't support repo distribution
  • KT-48808 XCFramework task fails when using static debug frameworks
  • KT-42755 Cocoapods plugin using backslashes on Windows

Tools. JPS

  • KT-49177 JPS: Kotlin compiler doesn't recompile file that references Java constant in class body
  • KT-46506 JPS: Kotlin compiler doesn't recompile file that references Java constant
  • KT-47909 UtilsKt.recordPackageLookup is slow
  • KT-47857 Class loaders clash when building kotlin project with FIR with JPS without daemon

Tools. Kapt

  • KT-32596 kapt replaces class generated by annotation processor with error.NonExistentClass when the class is used as an annotation
  • KT-48617 Cache miss due to empty directories in KaptGenerateStubsTask inputs
  • KT-48826 Deprecate 'kapt.use.worker.api' property
  • KT-47002 Kapt: warning mentions non-effective property kapt.includeCompileClasspath

Tools. Maven

  • KT-50306 Configured plugin dependencies should be available in kotlin-maven-plugin scripts

Tools. Parcelize

  • KT-19853 Parcelize: CREATOR field should be available from code

Tools. REPL

  • KT-20488 REPL: java.lang.InternalError: "Enclosing constructor not found" for class reference on an anonymous object literal

Tools. Scripts

  • KT-40497 “Cannot inline bytecode built with JVM target 1.8 into bytecode that is being built with JVM target 1.6.” for running script without specified jvm-target
  • KT-49329 Kotlin scripts are compiled with jvmTarget 1.8 by default and in many scenarios there is no way to redefine it, which lead to inlining errors e.g. with JDK 17


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