github JetBrains/kotlin v1.6.0-RC
Kotlin 1.6.0-RC

latest releases: build-2.0.20-dev-6872, build-2.0.20-dev-6861, build-2.0.20-dev-6846...
pre-release2 years ago

Learn how to install Kotlin 1.6.0-RC.




  • KT-49157 Tail-call optimization miss with cast to type parameter
  • KT-48778 -Xtype-enhancement-improvements-strict-mode not respecting @NonNull annotation for property accesses?
  • KT-46437 NI: "Throwable: Resolution error of this type shouldn't occur for resolve if as a call" caused by reflectively accessing private property inside "if/else" or "when" expression
  • KT-48590 IllegalArgumentException: ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: Captured(*) reified type class reference
  • KT-48261 "overload resolution ambiguity" for JSpecify+jsr305-annotated Java List implementation
  • KT-48633 Can't infer builder inference's type argument across local class
  • KT-49136 JVM IR: NPE with safe call chain and property set to null by reflection
  • KT-48912 K/N Symbol with IrSimpleFunctionSymbolImpl is unbound and JS Validation failed in file shaders.kt
  • KT-48928 Prohibit using old JVM backend with language version >= 1.6
  • KT-41978 NI: Kotlin fails to infer type of function argument
  • KT-48732 JVM / IR: MalformedParameterizedTypeException is thrown when a Spring Bean of suspending function type is registered
  • KT-47841 Turning LV to 1.6 breaks some diagnostics based on jspecify annotations
  • KT-48498 JVM IR: IllegalAccessError with inline function call and property delegation from different module
  • KT-48319 JVM / IR: AssertionError: FUN caused by suspend lambda inside anonymous function
  • KT-48835 Psi2ir: vararg parameter value is lost when translating adapted function reference to base class member
  • KT-46908 JVM / IR: do not wrap fun interface implementation into another SAM adapter if it inherits from a functional type
  • KT-48927 JVM IR: "VerifyError: Bad invokespecial instruction: current class isn't assignable to reference class" when up-casting and read a base class's private property that has a custom getter in the base class's public function
  • KT-48992 Postpone migration to new operator resolution scheme for integer literals
  • KT-48290 Type bounds warning based on Java annotations not issues with language level 1.6
  • KT-47920 There is no warning on violated nullability of type parameter in accordance with java nullability annotation
  • KT-48851 Keep using warn mode for jspecify in 1.6
  • KT-46829 IR: NullPointerException caused by setting scoped generic extension var
  • KT-44843 PSI2IR: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi2ir.generators.ErrorExpressionException: null: KtCallExpression" with delegate who has name or parameter with the same name as a property
  • KT-42972 Forbid protected constructor calls from public inline functions
  • KT-45378 Prohibit super calls in public-api inline functions
  • KT-48515 JSpecify: If a class has a @Nullable type-parameter bound, Kotlin should still treat unbounded wildcards like platform types
  • KT-48825 JVM IR: NPE with delegated property "by this" to base class
  • KT-48478 JVM IR: Coroutines 1.5.1 + Kotlin 1.5.30 - ClassCastException: CompletedContinuation cannot be cast to DispatchedContinuation
  • KT-48671 JVM / IR: "AssertionError: Primitive array expected: CLASS IR_EXTERNAL_DECLARATION_STUB CLASS"
  • KT-46181 JVM IR: private @JvmStatic function is generated in the outer class instead of companion object, which breaks existing calls via JNI or reflection (e.g. JUnit @MethodSource)
  • KT-48736 JVM IR: assert in SyntheticAccessorLowering when inline function attempts to access package-private field from Java
  • KT-20542 IllegalAccessError on calling private function with default parameters from internal inline function used in another package
  • KT-48331 JVM / IR: "VerifyError: Bad access to protected data in invokevirtual" when a sealed class uses another sealed class in its same hierarchy level as a constructor parameter
  • KT-48659 JVM / IR: Referential equality returns true for different instances
  • KT-48606 [1.6] Instantiated annotations do not implement hashCode correctly/consistently
  • KT-48316 "No value passed for parameter" regression with Java annotation default values with JSR-305
  • KT-48391 JVM / IR: "AssertionError: SyntheticAccessorLowering should not attempt to modify other files!" caused by class which inherits interface which has default function with default argument from companion const val

IDE. Gradle Integration

  • KT-46273 MPP: Don't fail import for case of missed platform in source set structure
  • KT-48823 Improve error reporting on import when configuration phase in Gradle failed
  • KT-48504 MPP: UninitializedPropertyAccessException on import if new hierarchical mpp flag conflicts with other flags


New Features

  • KT-46423 infix extension fun Comparable.compareTo
  • KT-47421 Stabilize collection builders

Performance Improvements

  • KT-45438 Remove brittle ?contains? optimization in minus/removeAll/retainAll


  • KT-47304 Random#nextLong generates value outside provided range
  • KT-48999 Align behavior of some JS functions with their JVM counterpart
  • KT-28378 Different behavior of Regex replace function in Java and JS when replacement string contains group reference
  • KT-46229 Bring back Duration factory extension properties
  • KT-46243 Typography.leftGuillemete and Typography.rightGuillemete are named inconsistent with standard
  • KT-46101 Review deprecations in stdlib for 1.6
  • KT-48456 Introduce Common (multi-platform) readln() and readlnOrNull() top-level functions
  • KT-38754 Deprecate appendln in favor of appendLine


  • KT-48807 Cinterop: cannot create bindings for a framework when Xcode 13 RC is installed

Tools. CLI

  • KT-49007 Support three previous API versions

Tools. Compiler Plugins

  • KT-48842 Compiler crash: Symbol with IrFieldSymbolImpl is unbound
  • KT-48117 Kotlin AllOpen Plugin should open private methods

Tools. Gradle

  • KT-48745 JVM target compatibility check should be disabled when Java sources are empty
  • KT-49066 Setting kotlinOptions.modulePath in an android project breaks incremental compilation
  • KT-48847 Remove deprecated kotlin options marked for removal after 1.5
  • KT-48245 KGP makes compileOnly configuration resolvable
  • KT-48768 Misleading 'jdkHome' deprecation message

Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform

  • KT-48919 Gradle multiplatform plugin 1.6.0-M1 does not accept apiVersion = "1.7"

Tools. Scripts

  • KT-49012 Compiling .kts script with inner class declaration fails with Backend Internal Error caused by AE: "Local class constructor can't have dispatch receiver"

Tools. kapt

  • KT-45545 Kapt is not compatible with JDK 16+
  • KT-47934 KaptJavaLog is unable to map stub back to the kotlin source
File Sha256 abf930acf14518cf0f9d18c35b2a2ecf00048a7c62aa69a98e4f6367704f21a3
kotlin-native-linux-x86_64-1.6.0-RC.tar.gz a4e6de9e010d37210eb332e6b83c005209ec5a8e8111106a4ee06e1bae0050cc
kotlin-native-macos-x86_64-1.6.0-RC.tar.gz dbd749ec954c28ff8fa4e1842b89b8edb6c583262a57074fdcc30aa767d3218e
kotlin-native-macos-aarch64-1.6.0-RC.tar.gz 7d95b043fca7f41a265ff9c85d329c09598d4abc7f8f1f8d3105fba73bee7e02 14483ea6dab096100d650fa930ee479679cb6b5c6ab39f719982a841d1cc325c

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