github JetBrains/kotlin v1.5.0-RC
Kotlin 1.5.0-RC

latest releases: build-2.0.20-dev-6872, build-2.0.20-dev-6861, build-2.0.20-dev-6846...
pre-release3 years ago



New Features

  • KT-28791 Kotlin serialization with inline classes
  • KT-43920 Support loading binary Java annotations on fields

Performance Improvements

  • KT-44153 NI: Low Memory and IntelliJ hangs when quotes in split() are missed
  • KT-45410 JVM / IR: Extreme performance regression on arithmetic operations inside a loop


  • KT-35224 It's possible to pass non-spread arrays after arguments with SAM-conversion
  • KT-36853 IR: UninitializedPropertyAccessException on tailrec with object expression in default argument
  • KT-41056 Increase stub version due to new "contract" keyword
  • KT-43887 Problem with FunctionReferenceLowering$FunctionReferenceBuilder in kotlin native
  • KT-44210 KJS / IR: "AssertionError: Undefined parameter referenced: defined" caused by plus assign operators in build blocks
  • KT-44947 Sealed interfaces: Sealed fun interface leads to "NoWhenBranchMatchedException"
  • KT-44993 JVM IR: VerifyError on getfield with Kotlin generic field and elvis operator
  • KT-45139 Inline class: AssertionError: Expected top level inline class
  • KT-45195 JVM IR: annotation methods are generated as default interface methods if allopen is used
  • KT-45446 JVM / IR: NullPointerException caused by unreachable code and comparison
  • KT-45721 JVM / IR: "Unbound symbols not allowed" caused by class reference in sequence lambda
  • KT-45853 JVM / IR: "Accidental override" caused by inheriting Throwable.getCause from Java interface
  • KT-45861 Turning warnings into errors for calls with type parameters annotated by @OnlyInputTypes
  • KT-45868 JVM IR: ClassCastException with SAM function in init block when SAM is generated via invokedynamic
  • KT-45920 JVM IR: "Accidental override" on redefining get() in custom Map class
  • KT-45963 JVM / IR: "AbstractMethodError: Receiver class does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method" in Dokka tests
  • KT-45967 JVM IR: "IllegalAccessError" with invokedynamic to Java SAM over callable reference to private function
  • KT-45982 Wrong subtyping result on captured types with postponed type variables

IDE. Inspections and Intentions

  • KT-38155 Lift assignment out of 'if' produces type mismatch without manually adding a semicolon


  • KT-44796 KJS / IR: default parameter of function with @JsName leads to "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded"


  • KT-39177 Make CharCategory available in common multiplatform code
  • KT-43772 Kotlin/Native unfinished workers detected.

Tools. Gradle

  • KT-43605 Kotlin Gradle Plugin 1.4.20 undeclared system property reads cause problems with Gradle configuration cache enabled
  • KT-44462 Kotlin Gradle plugin creates compile configuration with Gradle 7.0
  • KT-44949 Compatibility with Gradle 7.0
  • KT-44957 gradle - target.compilations seems to be deprecated
  • KT-45340 Update minimal supported version of Kotlin Gradle Plugin to 6.1

Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform

  • KT-44900 Support gradle configuration cache with kotlin.multiplatform plugin

Tools. kapt

  • KT-43686 KaptWithoutKotlincTask should use @CompileClasspath for kotlinStdlibClasspath for cache relocateability.
  • KT-44130 KAPT changes field order in 1.4.30-M1


File Sha256 91a82ea9ff1b49ef1c342d52b3fe54fed92aa79201ee0d452fe9b72e698ea98b
kotlin-native-linux-1.5.0-RC.tar.gz 6336cf1d360bd62adfffb4442a31e06150721cc767c76eca2830e9e45eed9bbc
kotlin-native-macos-1.5.0-RC.tar.gz 2d868b738b77ca290ea4c714669e31ed29f3befbb71aa0d0b4b0ad1ebddf1a9d dd3c6bec6aa1b50e1764484406d450d4ae491169a47add5e2174e82de73e567d

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