github JetBrains/kotlin v1.5.0-M1
Kotlin 1.5.0-M1

latest releases: build-2.0.20-dev-6872, build-2.0.20-dev-6861, build-2.0.20-dev-6846...
pre-release3 years ago

You could find information about EAP program and setup instructions here


Backend. Native

  • KT-42053 Support compiler caches for linux_x64
  • KT-43690 Support compiler caches for ios_arm64


New Features

  • KT-42522 Enable string concatenation via invokedynamic by default for JVM target 9 and above
  • KT-43677 Support for Java records
  • KT-44650 Deprecate JVM target version 1.6
  • KT-44787 Suspend functions in fun interfaces
  • KT-44865 Allow to declare protected constructors in sealed classes
  • KT-44869 Compiling sealed interface with version less than 1.5: error message from future could be provided

Performance Improvements

  • KT-6336 Optimize generation of local functions
  • KT-7307 Optimize infix call of
  • KT-18692 Optimize '<optimizable_range> step x' for-in loop
  • KT-19978 Inefficient bytecode generated for function references undergoing Java SAM conversion
  • KT-23565 OperationsMapGenerated.kt generates unreasonable amount of bytecode
  • KT-23825 Tail suspend call utilizing elvis operator does not take advantage of suspend tail call optimization
  • KT-23826 A suspend function on the right side of a returned || condition is not tail call optimized
  • KT-25348 No compile time unsigned integer conversion when using hex literal
  • KT-26590 Do not generate create method for suspend lambdas if its arity >= 2
  • KT-27427 Optimize nullable check introduced with 'as' cast
  • KT-28246 Redundant boxing/unboxing isn't eliminated by the compiler in case of inline classes and javaClass intrinsic
  • KT-30605 Constant folding doesn't evaluate inv() function
  • KT-36845 Generate enum-based TABLESWITCH/LOOKUPSWITCH on a value with smart cast to enum in JVM_IR
  • KT-39585 JVM BE generates redundant accessor calls when accessing static final field lifted from companion
  • KT-40886 Old JVM BE unspills ACONST_NULL from continuation


  • KT-6007 Support changed return type of inlined generic function when lambda returns anonymous object
  • KT-6055 Failed invoke plus assign on array element accessed via several args through local get/set convention extensions
  • KT-6879 CompilationException when local classes hierarchy is placed within other local or inner declaration
  • KT-8120 NoSuchMethodError on local class constructor call inside a local class
  • KT-8199 "Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" for local class using a captured variable as default value for constructor parameter
  • KT-10835 "AssertionError: Non-outer parameter incorrectly mapped to outer" when inlining object literal extending inner class
  • KT-12790 Don't generate synthetic accessors for private inline function/properties
  • KT-13213 IllegalArgumentException in ByteVector.putUTF8 on attempt to compile file with moderately long string literal
  • KT-14628 "UnsupportedOperationException: Don't know how to generate outer expression" for nested class inheriting from inner class with a companion object
  • KT-14833 JVM internal error: Augment assignment and increment are not supported for local delegated properties and inline properties
  • KT-15403 Suspend operator get wrong code generated by BE (NoSuchMethodError)
  • KT-15404 Suspend operator set wrong code generated
  • KT-16084 Proguard can't find enclosing class of let closure inside apply closure
  • KT-16151 Internal compiler error when using plusAssign operator with mutable map
  • KT-16221 Support in/!in suspend operators
  • KT-16282 "Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" for plusAssign with default parameters in setter operator
  • KT-16445 java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack when delegating an interface through a private reified function inside an object
  • KT-16520 Invalid bytecode semantics for set call by convention with default parameters
  • KT-16567 Inliner creates redundant objects on source inlining
  • KT-16752 Delegating function interface to function reference does not work
  • KT-17554 Incorrect cast to Unit generated on annotated when-expression with a single-branch if inside
  • KT-17738 Java cannot extend class implementing kotlin.collections.Map
  • KT-17753 Strange behavior of if and return statements
  • KT-18583 "ISE: Recursive call in a lazy value" for generic sealed class with nested subclass in a when(this) with inferred return type
  • KT-19861 "IllegalStateException: Label wasn't found during iterating through instructions" for plusAssign with safe call
  • KT-20996 IllegalStateException: Cannot get FQ name of local class: class in metadata serialization for common code
  • KT-21014 Incorrect bytecode generated for 'PrimitiveArray::size'
  • KT-21092 Reference javaClass for generic property: "couldn't transform method node: get()"
  • KT-21778 "IllegalStateException: Couldn't build context" for inline function inside an anonymous object
  • KT-21900 VerifyError on equals on generic primitive type
  • KT-22098 "UnsupportedOperationException: Don't know how to generate outer expression" on extension function call inside lambda in anonymous object super constructor call
  • KT-22488 Bad line numbers generated for '&&' expression
  • KT-22972 A compiler bug(?) in Number class descendants
  • KT-23619 Transform stateless singleton lambda during inline
  • KT-23881 Declaration of lambda in inlined apply block holds reference to superfluous references causing leak
  • KT-24135 Calling invoke on crossinline suspend lambda leads to no state-machine
  • KT-24193 NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Cloneable$DefaultImpls on inheritance from Cloneable through an interface
  • KT-24305 ClassNotFoundException when using Java reflection on local class in an inlined lambda
  • KT-24564 Custom operator fun set on ByteArray resolves properly but is miscompiled
  • KT-25400 "NoClassDefFoundError: kotlin/KotlinPackage" with Turkish system locale on macOS
  • KT-26130 Incorrect method signature for a generic function with inline class as a type parameter upper bound
  • KT-26360 "Method from super interface has a different signature" for Interface that extends both interfaces with and without @JvmDefault
  • KT-26473 Error on compiling inline class with calls of super methods equals(), hashCode(), toString()
  • KT-26474 VE “Bad type on operand stack” at runtime on calling toString() method of inline class with calls of super methods (toString(), equals(), hashCode()) inside
  • KT-27449 NoSuchMethodError for local suspend function with suspend lambda parameter with default value
  • KT-27469 "Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" for compound assignment (plusAssign) with a vararg operator get
  • KT-27825 Gradually prohibit non-abstract classes containing abstract members invisible from that classes (internal/package-private)
  • KT-27830 "Incompatible stack heights" with suspend inline function in do while loop that executes suspend lambda
  • KT-28042 "Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" for a bound callable reference of lambda inside inline function
  • KT-28166 "Argument 1: expected I, but found R" for generic method with generic parameter or receiver with inline class upper bound
  • KT-28331 Consider generating accessors for lateinit properties to avoid assertion on each call
  • KT-28573 Inliner does not update references to transformed object
  • KT-29331 "AnalyzerException: Argument 1: expected R, but found I" with local generic extension property called on Int receiver
  • KT-29595 NoClassDefFoundError with inline reified function with lambda argument returning anonymous object
  • KT-29802 Incorrect reification when the same type parameter name is used for different reified types
  • KT-30041 "AnalyzerException: Expected an object reference, but found ." on nested suspend function calls outer suspend function
  • KT-30066 Consider adding annotations to ConeKotlinType
  • KT-30280 Inline class class literal gets unwrapped in annotation arguments
  • KT-30402 Constant folding works incorrectly with unsigned arithmetics
  • KT-30548 "java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" while compiling access to a private lateinit companion field
  • KT-30629 java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack when using a function reference to a generic property
  • KT-30933 Inline function produces IllegalAccessError on property reference from different package
  • KT-31136 "AnalyzerException: Argument 1: expected R, but found I" on x::javaClass when x is inline class object built around primitive type
  • KT-31227 Prohibit using array based on non-reified type parameters as reified type arguments on JVM
  • KT-31592 NoSuchMethodException when inlining public function accessing a protected static Java class member
  • KT-31727 Object expression captures all variables used in constructor
  • KT-32023 "AnalyzerException: Expected I, but found R" with inline suspend function used with callable reference
  • KT-32115 NPE during initialization of enum class with delegated property
  • KT-32153 "AnalyzerException: Expected an object reference, but found ." with recursive suspend local function
  • KT-32351 ClassNotFoundException for anonymous object implementing interface inside a lambda with data class and inline methods
  • KT-32384 Safe cast to generic type argument with inline class upper-bound throws NPE instead of ClassCastException
  • KT-32579 java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack on calling inner class of inherited class in super class when casting to inherited class
  • KT-32749 "VerifyError: Call to wrong method" with inline function and accessing class field from anonymous object
  • KT-32793 Generated code crashes by ClassCastException with local suspend function and inline class
  • KT-32812 "AnalyzerException: Argument 1: expected R, but found I" invoking function with default parameter inherited by inline class
  • KT-32821 Missing unboxing of inline class for complex hierarchy of suspend calls
  • KT-33155 ClassNotFoundException for qualified this in anonymous object and as a result of inline function call
  • KT-33173 Internal error: "AnalyzerException: Expected I, but found R" for supercall inside inline lambda from HashSet.remove implementation
  • KT-33577 NoSuchFieldError with nested anonymous objects accessing outer instance property
  • KT-33836 Wrong code generated for a local tailrec suspend function.
  • KT-33873 ClassCastException invoking UByte setter function via reflection
  • KT-34018 "Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" with inline lambda with callable reference
  • KT-34186 JDK11: class file contains malformed variable arity method for vararg sealed class constructor
  • KT-34202 IllegalAccessError on callable reference of function from multifile facade from standard library
  • KT-34255 @JvmStatic tailrec function: "Cannot pop operand off an empty stack"
  • KT-34507 Incorrect generated code for mutable collection stub methods in case of presence of functions with similar signature
  • KT-34665 Possible index overflow in optimized "for" loop over withIndex()
  • KT-34754 Flow builder: "AnalyzerException: Expected an object reference, but found ." with recursive suspend local function
  • KT-34816 "AnalyzerException: Expected an object reference, but found I" on "this" in inline class member extension suspend function
  • KT-34841 ClassNotFoundException when invoke param function inside anonymous object method
  • KT-35008 "AnalyzerException: Expected an object reference, but found I" in inline class companion calling private constructor
  • KT-35166 NoSuchMethodError at runtime with local property delegate on anonymous object referencing another anonymous object
  • KT-35301 MethodInliner fails with "AssertionError: call doesn't correspond to object transformation info" for qualified this in SAM constructor used as parameter of anonymous object inside inline lambda
  • KT-35419 Failed to generate expression: KtNamedFunction for local suspend tailrec function with receiver
  • KT-35511 VerifyError: "Bad type on operand stack" after reification
  • KT-35553 Kotlin compiler generates methods that always have line number 1 for Inline Classes
  • KT-35725 "AssertionError: Couldn't find a context for a super-call" for super member call in property initializer of companion object
  • KT-36420 ClassCastException with inline class Foo extending generic Comparable
  • KT-36713 AnalyzerException: "Incompatible stack heights" with suspend and inline suspend functions
  • KT-36794 Move $assertionsDisabled field to the top-level class
  • KT-36875 "RuntimeException: Trying to access skipped parameter" on synthetic local variable access from inline function
  • KT-36916 AnalyzerException: Argument 1: expected I, but found R when using inline class with rxjava
  • KT-36957 Exception during codegen: cannot pop operand off an empty stack (Nothing variable in string interpolation)
  • KT-36984 SAM adapter classes should be generated as anonymous inner classes in JVM_IR
  • KT-37704 Incorrect SMAP syntax
  • KT-37716 "AssertionError: call doesn't correspond to object transformation info" with inline reified type parameter, anonymous object and lambda in constructor call
  • KT-37972 IllegalAccessError on initializing property reference for a property declared in JvmMultifileClass with -Xmultifile-parts-inherit
  • KT-38833 JVM: java.lang.ClassCastException when loop variable is nullable in for loop over unsigned progression
  • KT-38849 Read-only variable initialized in non-inline lambda using contract callsInPlace EXACTLY_ONCE is not captured correctly in nested lambdas
  • KT-38869 JVM BE produces invalid bytecode when inheriting from AbstractList and declaring methods that look like MutableList implementors (but they aren't)
  • KT-38965 "UnsupportedOperationException: Don't know how to generate outer expression: Closure" with reference to local variable in block argument of anonymous object by delegation
  • KT-39289 CCE in if-else inside annotated 'if' statement
  • KT-39425 AbstractMethodError: "Receiver class does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method" using classes with complex Java and Kotlin inheritance hierarchies.
  • KT-39434 IllegalAccessError with local delegated property in lambda in inlined function
  • KT-39687 "Couldn't find captured this" when more than 3 inline functions are nested
  • KT-39784 "IndexOutOfBoundsException: Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" caused by JvmOverloads annotation inside an inline class
  • KT-40165 ClassCastException caused by SAM conversion used on a functional interface with suspended function
  • KT-40179 "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" with parent class get extension function and child class set extension function which used inside child class plusAssign extension function
  • KT-40277 Fix generic types in special bridge methods
  • KT-40308 NoSuchFieldError for multiple delegated extension properties with the same name in a companion object
  • KT-40338 NoSuchFieldError on property without backing field that is called as function reference
  • KT-40396 NI: Exceptions when ambiguous type argument and generic invoke
  • KT-40510 "AssertionError: DELEGATION slice must override something" for ByteBuffer delegation
  • KT-40601 VerifyError: "interface method reference is in an indirect superinterface" when calling @JvmDefault suspend method
  • KT-40809 "Couldn't find captured field" compiler error with local function with recursive call through method reference
  • KT-41105 IllegalStateException: 'Couldn't find declaration file ' with inline delegate declared in another file
  • KT-41165 "IllegalStateException: Concrete fake override public final fun" when an enum class inherits an interface with a variable 'name' or 'ordinal'
  • KT-41222 "IllegalStateException: Concrete fake override public final fun" when a class property is inherited as merged 'var' from 'val' and 'var' from parent abstract class and interface properties
  • KT-41255 JDK 11: "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" with long function body with annotated when expression
  • KT-41427 NoSuchMethodError caused by implementation by delegation to function reference
  • KT-41508 ClassNotFoundException caused by object with overridden function inside a lambda with safe cast receiver
  • KT-41750 Inline classes: ClassCastExceptionError when calling .withIndex() on Iterator over Array
  • KT-41770 AssertionError: "Asm parameter types should be the same length as Kotlin parameter types" cause by fun interface
  • KT-41874 "IllegalStateException: Couldn't obtain compiled function body" on extension delegated property with inline operator getValue in a different file
  • KT-41917 [FIR] Incorrect calculating property type for override from intersection scope
  • KT-42012 IllegalAccess to protected field instead of getter
  • KT-42017 "AssertionError: Unsigned type expected: UInt?" during codegen when a variable of nullable unsigned type is checking for presence in the range
  • KT-42032 "AnalyzerException: Expected I, but found R" while using Flow.reduce() with suspend function reference
  • KT-42034 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in PopBackwardPropagationTransformer on external override of function in inline class
  • KT-42064 "Parameter specified as non-null is null" with default value of the parameter in operator fun
  • KT-42069 JVM IR: -Xreport-output-files doesn't report any source files for META-INF/*.kotlin_module files
  • KT-42083 AbstractMethodError when 'remove' with irrelevant generic parameter but matching JVM signature is present in Kotlin collection class
  • KT-42175 Psi2ir: "AssertionError: Undefined parameter referenced: " on augmented assignment on this in a BuilderInference lambda
  • KT-42179 Platform declaration clash when extending abstract Java class implementing 'java.util.Collection' by abstract Kotlin class implementing Kotlin Set or List
  • KT-42337 NoSuchMethodError in JVM backend with inheritance of private functions in the interface
  • KT-42487 "IndexOutOfBoundsException: Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" caused by USELESS_IS_CHECK of Double type
  • KT-42533 (N until MIN_VALUE).reversed() should be an empty progression in for loops
  • KT-42588 "IllegalStateException: Concrete fake override public open fun" caused by val override with var with delegation.
  • KT-42634 Different bridges and abstract stubs behavior in abstract class implementing Map<K, String> in JVM and JVM_IR
  • KT-42635 ClassCastException with inline class in for loop
  • KT-42662 AbstractMethodError when using partially specialized generic Map class
  • KT-42694 @get:Synchronized causes the JVM getter method not to be generated
  • KT-42753 "VerifyError: Bad invokespecial instruction: interface method reference is in an indirect superinterface" with jvm-default=all
  • KT-42879 JVM: Declaration clash in fun interface implementation returning an inline class
  • KT-42900 "VerifyError: Bad return type" incorrect bytecode when a property and an extension property in inline class have the same names
  • KT-42946 FIR2IR: Fix super-calls to Java overrides of special built-in
  • KT-42971 JVM: "AssertionError: Unsigned type expected: T" with UInt loop range
  • KT-42990 "AssertionError: Next value after NEW should be one generated by DUP" caused by extension properties with accessors annotataed as @JvmStatic
  • KT-43034 AssertionError: Compiler fails with complicated tailrec + inline case
  • KT-43048 JVM_IR: Implement coroutines state clearing
  • KT-43050 JVM IR: incorrect mangling for method with type parameter with inline class bound in the signature
  • KT-43059 Different bridges behavior in class implementing Map<String, String> in JVM and JVM_IR
  • KT-43063 Redundant DefaultImpls delegate is generated in old JVM backend on explicit "duplicate" inheritance from interface
  • KT-43069 JVM: incorrect generic signature for method with implicit return type Nothing overriding a method from Collection
  • KT-43099 Tailrec call in not tail-call position leads to internal compiler error
  • KT-43106 JVM: custom remove in Iterator subclass results in a synthetic bridge
  • KT-43120 JVM: "Expected an object reference, but found ." caused by function which is passed as reference to suspend parameter
  • KT-43255 Verify error when inheriting from an abstract class implementing Collection with stub-like method in superclass
  • KT-43333 AbstractMethodError when calling 'toArray' from Java on a Kotlin Collection with custom internal 'toArray'
  • KT-43334 AbstractMethodError when calling 'remove' from Java on a Kotlin Collection with custom internal 'remove'
  • KT-43342 [FIR2IR] No getter or backing field found for delegated member call
  • KT-43347 [FIR] Synthetic setter with unmatched parameter type isn't found
  • KT-43401 JVM_IR. Additional synchronized flag on JvmOverloads-generated adapter for Synchronized function
  • KT-43405 Turkish locale, Linux Mint: "NoSuchMethodError: 'int[] kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics$Kotlin.intArrayOf(int[])'" with intArrayOf function call
  • KT-43460 JVM: redundant private setter is generated in case of multifile facade
  • KT-43473 "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" caused by operator get with optional argument in superclass when called via square brackets on subclass
  • KT-43518 JVM_IR. Additional strictfp flag on JvmOverloads-generated adapter for Strictfp function
  • KT-43569 FIR: inapplicable candidate(s): kotlin/collections/set
  • KT-43616 [FIR] Nullable type parameter-based type after merge in if
  • KT-43669 FIR: No real overrides for FUN IR_EXTERNAL_DECLARATION_STUB
  • KT-43682 Inline extension method of a multifile library inline class not found
  • KT-43687 FIR: UnusedChecker does not take annotation arguments into account
  • KT-43688 FIR: unused checker doesn't handle invokes properly
  • KT-43749 "UnsupportedOperationException: Don't know how to generate outer expression: Closure" caused by Flow and collect method with function reference as a parameter
  • KT-43812 JVM IR: SAM wrapper class with generic supertype mentions missing type parameter in the signature
  • KT-43832 JVM IR: missing bridges for inheritance of class from interface in a complex generic diamond hierarchy
  • KT-43851 JVM IR: function call returning object instance is removed during constant propagation
  • KT-43864 JVM: "Assertion error after mandatory stack transformations: incorrect bytecode" with lateinit property of type T, which has a primitive type upperbound
  • KT-43912 JVM internal error: Augment assignment and increment are not supported for local delegated properties and inline properties
  • KT-43915 Back-end (JVM) Internal error: wrong bytecode generated for default method
  • KT-43938 NSME when calling 'kotlin.Number' methods on instance of Java class extending Kolin abstract class extending 'kotlin.Number'
  • KT-43942 org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.CompilationException: Back-end (JVM) Internal error: Failed to generate function
  • KT-43949 FIR: unresolved callable reference as lambda return
  • KT-43983 IllegalStateException: "Couldn't obtain compiled function body for public final suspend inline fun" after moving inline extension function to library
  • KT-43984 FIR: recursion in overridden symbols
  • KT-44010 FIR: Inapplicable constructor due to an unresolved reference
  • KT-44030 FIR2IR: uncached type parameters in delegated property
  • KT-44032 FIR2IR: uncached type parameters in Java field
  • KT-44050 FIR: anonymous object as IR parent
  • KT-44054 FIR2IR: incorrect IR origin for substituted override function
  • KT-44058 CompilationException: open suspend fun with @JvmStatic in open class companion
  • KT-44069 please remove deprecated usages
  • KT-44066 FIR Java: override ambiguity with vararg value type
  • KT-44114 CompilationException when inlining a extension suspend function declared in interface companion with 'this' reference to extension receiver
  • KT-44131 "UnsupportedOperationException: Don't know how to generate outer expression: Closure" when using suspend lambda and a function reference
  • KT-44140 JVM IR: compilation of kotlin.Result crashes with IOOBE while generating toString-impl
  • KT-44141 JVM IR: "ISE: There should be underlying type for inline class type" on usage of type parameter with Result upper bound inside a lambda
  • KT-44192 Allow a greater number of constants in an enum class
  • KT-44202 "ClassCastException" when getting delegated property with inline class and Any/Any? type
  • KT-44233 [IR] Collection Stub generation not correctly considering java.util Collection iterators
  • KT-44234 Private companion property with explicit setter generates invalid bytecode
  • KT-44269 "[TAILREC_ON_VIRTUAL_MEMBER_ERROR] Tailrec is not allowed on open members" with Spring annotation and private tailrec function
  • KT-44284 Make Kotlin binaries publicly unavailable (set KotlinCompilerVersion.IS_PRE_RELEASE = true)
  • KT-44316 ReenteringLazyValueComputationException when analyzing complex lazy delegate
  • KT-44347 Back-end (JVM) Internal error: Couldn't transform method node for suspend function with wrong local for Continuation
  • KT-44429 JVM IR: unnecessary integer unboxing leads to NPE when using mockito-kotlin
  • KT-44439 Type inference of generic types failing java interop
  • KT-44440 Too many Nothings in inferred type
  • KT-44527 Suspend function with kotlin.Result: ClassCastException class kotlin.Result cannot be cast to class ...
  • KT-44529 Inline class calls wrong iterator method in for loop
  • KT-44533 JVM IR: ClassFormatError on synthetic $suspendImpl method generated in interface for a @JvmDefault function
  • KT-44540 Regression in 1.4.30 in intellij-community: type mismatch for generic function call with generic Java class
  • KT-44563 Type Inference loosing type annotations in lambda type expectation for function calls with block parameters
  • KT-44631 "IndexOutOfBoundsException: Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" caused by a default param in inner class constructor which uses method or field from receiver
  • KT-44647 "IllegalAccessError: class TestKt tried to access private method" with String Builder get and inc operator
  • KT-44651 JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: Illegal type substitutor" with if-else inside class constructor argument inside another if-else
  • KT-44660 Internal inline functions in companion object with inline class return type fails compilation
  • KT-44671 JVM_IR: ClassCastException: Result$Failure cannot be cast to Result with multithreaded coroutines
  • KT-44712 JVM / IR: Behavior change after enabling with Mockito
  • KT-44781 JVM IR: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: $noName_0 when calling a crossinline lambda within a suspending lambda
  • KT-44837 JVM / IR: ClassCastException with Result object when it is used by a generic method in a suspend call
  • KT-44875 JVM_IR. hashCode call is generated on interface target in fun interface equality
  • KT-45067 "IllegalArgumentException: Wildcard mast have a bound for annotation of WILDCARD_BOUND position" with BEAM SDK 2.27


  • KT-33233 Use dependency of library to build built-ins in IDE, instead of loading them from the current classloader
  • KT-34023 kotlin.KotlinNullPointerException at org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.FunctionsFromAnyGenerator.getPrimaryConstructorProperties(FunctionsFromAnyGenerator.kt:66)
  • KT-35947 is unresolved in IDE in Kotlin/JVM project
  • KT-37702 Code analysis speed: on-the-fly analysis diagnostics reporting
  • KT-41048 [FIR-IDE] Properly implement methods in KtFirPackageScope
  • KT-43824 KtLightClassForSourceDeclaration#isInheritor works in a different way than java implementation
  • KT-44128 IDE: Kotlin JVM record has incorrect property accessors as seen from Java

IDE. Gradle Integration

  • KT-42048 KJS / Gradle integration: Could not determine the dependencies of task ':webApp:testPackageJson' in Android Studio 4.2 Canary 11

IDE. Inspections and Intentions

  • KT-23824 Return lifted out of if condition causes suspend tail call optimization to no longer apply
  • KT-44821 IDE: False positive NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN caused by sealed class and when in another module

IDE. Refactorings

  • KT-44079 Sealed Interfaces: Move refactoring should warn about violation of hierarchy restrictions


  • KT-42176 KJS / IR: Interface default method in sub-interface not resolved correctly from extension on super-interface
  • KT-44103 [JSIR] TypeError when bumping from 1.4.20 to 1.4.30-M1
  • KT-44180 KJS / IR: NPE in ConstTransformer of compileDevelopmentExecutableKotlinJs/compileProductionExecutableKotlinJs tasks
  • KT-44415 Kotlin/JS with IR and kotlin-react: "too much recursion" error in runtime in browser
  • KT-44469 KJS / IR: Incorrect export functions with bridges
  • KT-44718 MPP/ KJS: "IllegalStateException: Unsupported operation" with serialization plugin and incremental compilation


  • KT-25571 Make random implementations serializable
  • KT-40225 Support adding kotlin-test as a single dependency, as it should be with a multiplatform library
  • KT-44168 Prevent storing NaN and negative zero in kotlin.time.Duration

Middle-end. IR

  • KT-43831 Compilation failed, IrSimpleFunctionPublicSymbolImpl is already bound
  • KT-44100 KJS / IR: Top level declarations added in IR plugin are not referenceable from other modules


  • KT-42446 Native: SIGSEGV in Kotlin_Array_get on linuxArm64
  • KT-43502 [K/N] relocation R_X86_64_PC32 cannot be used against symbol __environ; recompile with -fPIC
  • KT-44746 Different hashCode() results for Kotlin/Native stdlib

Native. C Export

  • KT-36639 MPP: Build ios "staticLib" or "sharedLib" binary failed if interface contains member extension function
  • KT-41725 Dynamic library doesn't load on raspberrypi

Tools. Ant

  • KT-16227 Ant task: do not include runtime by default if destination is a jar
  • KT-44293 Support fork mode in kotlinc Ant task

Tools. CLI

  • KT-17344 Include kotlin-reflect to resulting jar if "-include-runtime" is specified
  • KT-43220 -include-runtime should add .kotlin_builtins to the output
  • KT-43704 Illegal reflective access by com.intellij.util.ReflectionUtil to method java.util.ResourceBundle.setParent(java.util.ResourceBundle)
  • KT-44078 Do not include module-info.class of kotlin-stdlib.jar to the resulting jar with -include-runtime
  • KT-44232 CLI: do not pass -noverify to java process starting from JDK 13

Tools. CLI. Native

  • KT-43874 Native / CLI: provide a way to show difference between Jvm and Native compilers

Tools. Gradle

  • KT-31027 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method hashCode(Z)I in class Ljava/lang/Boolean; or its super classes (declaration of 'java.lang.Boolean' appears in /system/framework/core-libart.jar)
  • KT-44204 Kotlin Gradle Plugin 1.4.21 makes impossible to use ANTLR in other plugins

Tools. Gradle. JS

  • KT-43237 KJS: -jsLegacy Naming Convention is incompatible with NPM
  • KT-43869 Error in webpack configuration not displayed
  • KT-44614 Update Node.JS and Yarn versions
  • KT-44616 Kotlin/JS: IR backend with React: "Uncaught TypeError: _this__0 is undefined" runtime error in browser

Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform

  • KT-42098 Commonizer is re-launched for every included Gradle build
  • KT-43116 Merge together MultiplatformHighlightingTest and MultiplatformAnalysisTest
  • KT-44322 KotlinTargetComponent maintenance for -sources.jar

Tools. JPS

  • KT-13631 Compilation fails on Turkish locale because of locale-sensitive uppercasing

Tools. kapt

  • KT-44909 Kapt: ReenteringLazyValueComputationException without stacktrace caused by when expression with sealed class function without explicit return type


File Sha256 5e2ca47ab39254152bb5e035c0ee9d570da56aa6da41c719172cfa92c07ccf9a
kotlin-native-linux-1.5.0-M1.tar.gz 5ceca3f825ee4e5b3ec31e69d46f69528f41a1897a4d6a87d78633f0fd9751cf
kotlin-native-macos-1.5.0-M1.tar.gz c8394df34a4eb5aea9957e8f27187f15946368af68ca28c3260e94a5814d32ae 8ca7da28c02e95427db1a206bcd3e57808b9c66d50d3cef13c1f5ab894704288

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