github JessicaTegner/pypandoc v1.8
PyPandoc v1.8 Python3 and enhancements

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2 years ago

Time for another release of PyPandoc.
Most notable, from this release onwards python2 support has been dropped.
In addition, it's now possible to pass multiple files to convert. Under the hood, there's also been multiple improvements.
Lastly, deprecated code for 1.8 has been removed.


  • Removed Unnecessary files included with pip install (#274)
  • Handle pandoc logging returning two unknown log levels (#272)
  • Fixed #269 - classify_pandoc_logging improvements
  • REL: Officially drop python2.7 support (#263)
  • Made it possible to pass multiple files to pandoc (#259)
  • Python Type Hints implementation (#258)
  • Removed deprecated code (#257)

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