github JerryI/wolfram-js-frontend 2.2.9
Minor update

latest releases: 2.6.0, 2.5.8, 2.5.6FIX...
10 months ago

Some fancy features were added


AI Assistant 🪄

A deep integration with OpenAI. Now there is a separate chat-window and AI has an read/write access to the cells in the notebook. It can help you to fix errors, print new cells and so on...

ASKAI optimizer

We still haven't tried all possible cases.

SummaryBox partial support 🎁

It appears in many Wolfram's expressions. For example

Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 17 26 58

Bugs and dev features

  • minor layout fixes
  • camera and microphone permissions fix
  • NumericArray support on WLJS Interpreter for best performance
  • RevealJS slides markdown directives support (change background and etc)
  • PointLight works properly
  • new events from slides window (Slide, Left, Mount, Destroy)
  • ImageSize and Magnification options for Image
  • reset dynamic symbols, when the connection to kernel was lost
  • an option to disable acrylic material on Windows 11 machines
  • an option to enable JIT Tailwind compiler to use any Tailwind classes in notebook cells (slows down the frontend when enabled)

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