- Percentage based scrolling when using "gg" or "G" with a count, similar to Vim
- Action "startFollowCopyLink" for copying links of selected elements in follow mode
- Setting "darkreadermode" to switch between light and dark schemes/modes for darkreader
- Settings "resourcetypes", "resourcesallowed" and "resourcesblocked" to control allowed/blocked resource types
- Setting "shell" to control the shell to use for system commands
- Live indicator of current theme preference to the nativetheme help documentation
- Maximum values of darkreader brightness and contrast settings from 100 to 200 percent
- Buffer-like command suggestions to be in sync with actual behavior
- Buffer-like command suggestions to include the page url
- Check if the entire body is scrollable instead of the window for global scroll actions and scrollpos
- Prevent navigation to invalid urls to make sure a page can always be interacted with
- Shell now reads "$SHELL" instead of defaulting to "/bin/sh" for system commands
- Action "openNewTabWithCurrentUrl" not working at all in last release due to unsafe check
- Duplicate downloads due to page restart workaround (which is now fixed by Electron)
- Electron 22.0.0-beta.5 (was 21.1.0)
- Chromium 108.0.5359.40 (was 106.0.5249.91)
For more details see the CHANGELOG.
For startup help see the frequently asked questions.