github JeffreyCA/Apollo-ImprovedCustomApi v1.0.9
v1.0.9 - Randomize "trending subreddits" list

latest releases: v1.1.7b, v1.1.7, v1.1.6...
10 months ago
  • Randomize "trending subreddits" list so it doesn't show iOS, Clock, Time, IfYouDontMind all the time - thanks @iCrazeiOS!
    • Context: There isn't an official Reddit API to get the currently trending subreddits. Apollo has a hardcoded mapping of dates to trending subreddits in this file called trending-subreddits.plist that is bundled inside the .ipa. The last date entry is 2023-9-9, which is why Apollo has been falling back to the default iOS, Clock, Time, IfYouDontMind subreddits lately.

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