- Fixed #1272 Particle script export issue
- Fixed issue with vertex selection accuracy
- Fixed #1267, #805 paint tools not working with Mirror Painting option
- Fixed issue when editing camera angles
- Fixed issue that occurred when undoing and redoing after deleting a group
- Fixed #1256 Cant paste all faces at once
- Fixed multiple GIF HUDs appearing when pressing button multiple times
- Fix mode keybindings not saving
- Fix ground plane and painting grid being included in screenshots
- Delete removed faces of a cube when converting to mesh, closes #1264
- Fixed #1263 Vertex gizmos move when using pivot tool
- Fixed #1261 Extruded mesh circle face can no longer be inset
- Fixed issues with importing projects with same element UUIDs
- Fixed issue with textures disappearing when importing projects
- Improved error messages when trying to generate Box UV template with meshes
- Fixed font awesome icon display in messsage boxes
- Fixed area select not working well with Ctrl keybinding