JSqlParser 1.3
- support for with - selects statements in create view definitions
- support for block statements (begin ... end)
- support for additional raw string and byte prefixes (issue #659)
- support for special oracle type syntax varchar2(255 BYTE) (issue #273)
- introduced dotted multipart names for uservariables (issue #608)
- changed behaviour of dotted multipart names for tables and columns to accept ORM class names (issue #163)
** the parser allows now empty inner names, to still accept missing schema names for SQLServer (db..col)
** methods like getDatabase will still work but have no sense using it for classnames - named parameter for OFFSET (issue #612)
- corrected ISNULL regression (issue #610)
- refactored statement test classes to the class corresponding packages
- allowed nested postgresql casts (e.g. col::bigint::int)