github JFormDesigner/FlatLaf 3.2

latest releases: 3.5.1, 3.5, 3.4.1...
13 months ago


New SVG renderer

The FlatLaf Extras library now used JSVG library (instead of svgSalamander) for SVG rendering.
JSVG provides improved SVG rendering and uses less memory compared to svgSalamander.

IntelliJ Themes improved

Many improvements and fixed were made to the FlatLaf IntelliJ Themes Pack.
If you use those themes it is highly recommended to upgrade to this release.

TabbedPane: rounded selection

TabbedPane now support rounded underline selection and rounded card tabs.
Card tabs now have rounded corners by default.


FileChooser: more localized texts

FileChooser now show localized text for all locales supported by Java's Metal look and feel.

Toolbox-style "small" window title bar

FlatLaf Window Decorations now supports toolbox-style "small" window title bar.


Windows on ARM

The FlatLaf native library is now also available for ARM 64-bit architecture on Windows.

Change Log

New features and improvements

  • TabbedPane: Support rounded underline selection and rounded card tabs. (PR #703)
  • FlatLaf window decorations:
    • Support for Windows on ARM 64-bit. (issue #443, PR #707)
    • Support toolbox-style "small" window title bar. (issue #659, PR #702)
  • Extras: Class FlatSVGIcon now uses JSVG
    library (instead of svgSalamander) for rendering. JSVG provides improved SVG
    rendering and uses less memory compared to svgSalamander. (PR #684)
  • ComboBox: Improved location of selected item in popup if list is large and scrollable.
  • FileChooser: Show localized text for all locales supported by Java's Metal
    look and feel. (issue #680)
  • Added system property flatlaf.useNativeLibrary to allow disabling loading of
    FlatLaf native library. (issue #674)
  • IntelliJ Themes:
    • Reduced memory footprint by releasing Json data and ignoring IntelliJ UI
      properties that are not used in FlatLaf.
    • Updated "Hiberbee Dark" and "Gradianto" themes.

Fixed bugs

  • Styling: Fixed scaling of some styling properties (rowHeight for Table and
    Tree; iconTextGap for Button, CheckBox and RadioButton). (issue #682)
  • Fixed IllegalComponentStateException when invoker is not showing in
    SubMenuUsabilityHelper. (issue #692)
  • macOS themes: Changing @accentColor variable in FlatLaf properties files did
    not change all accent related colors for all components.
  • IntelliJ Themes:
    • "Light Owl" theme: Fixed wrong (unreadable) text color in selected menu
      items, selected text in text components, and selection in ComboBox popup
      list. (issue #687)
    • "Gradianto Midnight Blue" theme: Fixed color of ScrollBar track, which was
      not visible. (issue #686)
    • "Monocai" theme: Fixed unreadable text color of default buttons. (issue #693)
    • "Vuesion" theme: Fixed foreground colors of disabled text.
    • "Material UI Lite" themes: Fixed non-editable ComboBox button background.
    • CheckBox and RadioButton: Fixed unselected icon colors for themes "Atom One
      Light", "Cyan Light", "GitHub", "Light Owl", "Material Lighter" and "Solarized Light".
    • TabbedPane: Fixed focused tab background color for themes "Arc *", "Material
      Design Dark", "Monocai", "One Dark", "Spacegray" and "Xcode-Dark". (issue #697)
    • TextComponents, ComboBox and Spinner: Fixed background colors of enabled
      text components, to distinguish from disabled, for themes "Carbon", "Cobalt 2",
      "Gradianto *", "Gruvbox *", "Monocai", "Spacegray", "Vuesion",
      "Xcode-Dark", "GitHub", and "Light Owl". (issue #528)
    • Fixed wrong disabled text colors in "Dark Flat", "Hiberbee Dark", "Light
      Flat", "Nord", "Solarized Dark" and "Solarized Light" themes.
    • Fixed colors for selection background/foreground, Separator, Slider track
      and ProgressBar background in various themes.
  • Native Windows libraries: Fixed crash when running in Java 8 and newer Java
    version is installed in PATH environment variable and using class
    SystemInfo before AWT initialization. (issue #673)
  • ComboBox: Fixed search in item list for text with spaces. (issue #691)
  • FormattedTextField: On Linux, fixed IllegalArgumentException: Invalid location if JFormattedTextField.setDocument() is invoked in a focus gained
    listener on that formatted text field. (issue #698)
  • PopupMenu: Make sure that popup menu does not overlap any operating system
    task bar. (issue #701)
  • FileChooser: Use system icons on Windows with Java 17.0.3 (and later) 32-bit.
    Only Java 17 - 17.0.2 32-bit do not use system icons because of a bug in Java
    32-bit that crashes the application. (PR #709)
  • FileChooser: Fixed crash on Windows with Java 17 to 17.0.2 32-bit. Java 17
    64-bit is not affected. (regression since FlatLaf 2.3; PR #522, see also issue #403)


  • Extras: Class FlatSVGIcon now uses JSVG
    library for SVG rendering. You need to replace svgSalamander with JSVG in your
    build scripts and distribute jsvg.jar with your application. Also replace
    com.kitfox.svg with com.github.weisj.jsvg in files.
  • IntelliJ Themes: Removed all "Contrast" themes from "Material UI Lite".

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