github ItsCalebJones/SpaceLaunchNow-Android v1.0.1.81
Performance and Fixes!

latest releases: 3.2.0, 3.1.5, 3.1.2...
8 years ago

Space Launch Now



This is a pretty big milestone for performance improvements, this release included a drastic reduction in total APK size from ~22MB down to 9.7MB. Most of the space savings came from reducing static images (JPEG, PNG, etc) and replacing them with Vector Drawable equivalents thanks to the work done by the Android Support Library team. Additional APK size reduction is possible through ProGuard but i'm having some issues implementing it.

I was also able to fix several memory leaks and performance issues. Low memory and older devices should see better performance, still some room for improvement thanks to Google Maps library causing leaks all over the place. Also first boot and cold starts are much quicker.

There was some feedback from users that notifications weren't firing properly and battery drain events. I think there was an weird state the Launch Tracking service could get into if there was poor or weak internet service. I will still be monitoring those issues and as always feel free to report bugs on the Reddit release thread or at

Supporter Update:

Thank you for those that have decided to become a supporter, this update was aimed at increasing the stability and performance of the platform. I will be focusing on sprinkling additional features into the next batch of releases.

Fixes n' Features:

  • Added ShowcaseView to tutorial and first launch to demonstrate how to filter launch notifications
  • Fixed NightMode issues in several UI fields.
  • Streamlined data usage, using about 5-10% of the bandwidth of previous versions.
  • Fixed various crashes.
  • Added robust error handling.
  • UI performance increases on older or low RAM devices.
  • Fixed a battery drain issue when network is spotty.




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