github Iterable/iterable-android-sdk 3.5.8
3.5.8 (Deprecated)

latest release: 3.5.9
2 days ago

Deprecation notice

This version of the SDK is deprecated. Do not use it.

This version of Iterable's Android SDK includes changes to help keep a user's Iterable profile in sync with their physical device's push settings for your app (by keeping the device's notificationsEnabled flag up-to-date in Iterable).

However, it also includes a bug that can prevent the SDK from receiving silent push notifications, which in turn can prevent end users from receiving expected in-app and embedded messages.

If you've started building on this version of the SDK, please roll back to a previous version while we work on a fix.


  • Fixed issue where notifications were being disabled even when auto push registration was turned off.

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