github IrisShaders/Iris 1.1.1
Iris 1.1.1 for Minecraft 1.16 and 1.17

latest releases: 1.7.0+1.20.1, 1.7.0+1.20.4, 1.7.0+1.20.5...
2 years ago

Iris version 1.1.1 for Minecraft 1.16.5 and Minecraft 1.17.1 has been released!

You can download the release here:

Notable Changes:

This release primarily fixes a number of stability issues in the 1.17.1 version of Iris. Previously, the bundled version of Sodium for 1.17 was based on an older beta build, but now we've released to the much more stable Sodium 0.3.0 release. In addition, IMS fixed a memory leak in the sky horizon rendering code on Iris for 1.17.1.

Overall, Iris 1.1.1 for 1.17.1 is much more stable than Iris 1.1.0 for 1.17.1!

We've been working on a much bigger update, but unfortunately that code isn't quite ready yet. Instead of continually holding back critical fixes until that code is ready, we've decided to pull the critical fixes into an intermediate build, giving us time to polish up the next update.

Fixes for 1.16.5 & 1.17.1:

  • Fixed Complementary not compiling on macOS in non-overworld dimensions
  • Avoid crashes with Physics Mod, but there are still some weird bugs with it
  • Fixed colored shadows not working (this was a regression shipped in 1.1.0)
  • Fixed clouds being cut off at low render distances when shaders are disabled
  • Added rudimentary support for atlasSize, needed by newer versions of Complementary Shaders
  • Fixed block breaking animations for block entities
  • Support separateAo for blocks rendered with the Fabric Rendering API
  • Fixed a number of issues related to the ordering of entity rendering

Fixes for 1.17.1:

  • Allow shader packs to detect when the player is in powdered snow
  • The bundled version of Sodium is now based on the 0.3.0 release instead of a beta build, fixing a memory leak
  • Fixed vanilla clouds not rendering in packs that use them
  • Fixed beacon beams not rendering
  • Fixed a memory leak in horizon rendering

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