github IntersectMBO/cardano-node 1.30.1
Cardano Node 1.30.1

latest releases: 8.11.0-sancho, 8.11.0-pre, 8.9.3...
2 years ago

Technical Specification

Minimum System Requirements
  • An Intel or AMD x86 processor with two or more cores, at 1.6GHz or faster (2GHz or faster for a stake pool or relay)
  • 8GB of RAM
  • 10GB of free storage (20GB for a stake pool)
  • Linux 64-bit (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, 20.04 LTS; Mint 19.3, 20; Debian 10.3)
  • Windows 64-bit (8.1, 10)
  • MacOS 10.13, 10.14, 10.15
Supported roles
Platform Block Production Relay Client (Desktop)
Linux ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Windows ✔️
MacOS ✔️



  • Correctly translate time for Plutus (from protocol version 6 onwards). (#2451)
  • Adding changes to the libsodium bindings. Those include a functional fix that makes it safe to call the function that generates a public key from a private key concurrently. We only use those functions in the CLI, in a non-concurrent manner, but they are exposed in cardano-api. This fix ensures that custom code written against cardano-api behaves as expected when run in multiple threads. Furthermore, there are performance improvements that should have a positive impact on sync times. (#236)
Deprecated features
Fixed issues

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Role Approval
Technical Lead ✔️
QA Engineer ✔️
Ops ✔️
Release Manager ✔️

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