github IntersectMBO/cardano-node 1.10.1
Cardano Node 1.10.1

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4 years ago

Cardano Node 1.10.1

This patch release significantly improves the syncing performance on Windows, both the time and the memory required to do a full synchronisation of the chain. It brings the performance up to be nearly on par with OSX and Linux platforms.

Deployed on the mainnet on 16 April 2020.

Resolved issues

  • Improved Windows sync performance using a new implementation of network timeouts (#1931)
  • Improved chain DB concurrency during syncing by batching GC actions (#1932)
  • Introduced an exemption for historical "null" update proposals on IOHK's internal staging blockchain (#782, #768)
  • Added documentation on Byron-era protections against network address confusion (#727, #755)

Known Issues

  • Some Windows environments prevent the creation of the node's named pipe (#754)



  • Linux 64-bit, Windows 64 bit (beta)

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Technical Lead ✔️
QA Engineer ✔️
Ops ✔️
Release Manager ✔️

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