github Interkarma/daggerfall-unity v1.1.1-test
Daggerfall Unity 1.1.1 Test

latest releases: v1.1.1-pac, v1.1.1
pre-releaseone month ago


This is a test build for the stable v1.1.1 release. Not meant for general use - modders should not depend on this yet.

What's Changed

How to test

The primary new feature that requires testing is the new "Portable Install". Portable Installs will make your DFU installation store and read all its settings and saves from inside the installation folder, rather than the computer's user settings. This makes it easier to manage multiple DFU installations, can make it easier to move the installation to another machine, and can avoid polluting user settings.

To enable a Portable Install, simply create a new file named "Portable.txt" in your DFU folder. On Mac and Linux, the capital letter is important.


When you next run DaggerfallUnity, you will go through the setup again, and the game should now create a folder called PortableAppData in your installation folder to store all these settings. Again, you will have no DFU saves and no mod settings, since you've just started from scratch. You can copy-paste these from the regular user settings if you want.


Did you know that you could make the DFU setup faster by dropping DF's arena2 folder directly under DaggerfallUnity_Data/StreamingAssets/GameFiles ? Use this to make a truly portable DFU installation that contains everything necessary to run.


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