github IntQuant/noita_entangled_worlds v0.31.6

latest releases: v0.32.6, v0.32.5, v0.32.4...
13 days ago

Noita Entangled Worlds v0.31.6

  • fix gold being removed from poly effects in shared gold mode

  • dont let notplayer target lukki minion

  • fix controls being taken away from notplayer when texting

  • make nests work when host is far away

  • fix some errors

  • try to not spawn notplayers on you when facing kolmi

  • fix a world sync issue

  • color lukki legs

  • give twwe if someone near you has it only when you are close

  • fix a bunch of issues with alternate revive mechanic

  • dont let you spectate dead players with alternate revive mechanic

  • remove some unused stuff

  • do end fight at mountain when applicable

  • try to fix proxy on steamdeck looking bad

  • add notes about text/alternate revive mechanic on first use

  • make ui a bit more clear

  • spawn ragdolls when you die in perma death

  • save settings on create/connect to lobby to prevent them being lost if proxy dies too fast

  • fix a crash when picking up wands someone is looking at

Accepted pull requests

No pull requests have been accepted in this release.


Download and unpack or, depending on your OS. After that, launch the proxy.

Proxy is able to download and install the mod automatically. There is no need to download the mod ( manually.

You'll be prompted for a path to noita.exe when launching the proxy for the first time.
It should be detected automatically as long as you use steam version of the game and steam is launched.


There is a button in bottom-left corner on noita-proxy's main screen that allows to auto-update to a new version when one is available

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