Injective Avalon Upgrade 🥷
Upgrade Guide
This is a software upgrade proposal for Injective. If passed, this proposal would commit the Injective Chain to halt at block 34775000 (approximately 14:00 UTC on June 1st 2023) and resume with the v1.11 version of the application binary.
Validators can find a step-by-step guide on the upgrade procedure in the long-form proposal.
Note: Keyring is migrated from amino to protobuf, it's recommended you backup your keyring before applying the new application binary. For more details, refer here: cosmos/cosmos-sdk#9695
Breaking Changes
- Clients utilizing simulation along with a buffer should increase the buffer from 20k to 25-30k as gas consumption will be increased. Clients specifying explicit gas limit should use simulation to find the appropriate value for their use-case when the upgrade occurs or deploy their applications on testnet which has already been upgraded and empirically find the gas difference.
- Events in CometBFT are represented in strings and are not base64-encoded as previously. If you’re using raw events in your application opposed to exposed API’s, we recommend deploying your applications on testnet and migrate to the new scheme.
- Block mode is being deprecated in the newer cosmos-sdk version, clients should migrate to sync or async mode.
- Node Operators & IBC Relayers
- Node operators must remove the wasm cache before resuming with the new application binary. Refer here for more details.
- The new application binary requires Go version 1.19 opposed to 1.18. Node operators building from source must update the version before resuming with the new application binary.
- The libwasmvm library has been changed from v1.1.1 to v1.2.3. Node operators must copy the new library provided in the official release before resuming with the new application binary.
- IBC relayers should update hermes to v1.5.0 which has support for CometBFT.
- Migrate cosmos-sdk from v0.45.11 to v0.47.2 and CometBFT v0.37.0
- Add gas fee delegation for contracts in wasmx. This feature will allow contracts executing in the BeginBlocker to optionally delegate gas payment to a different address
- Add support for settling derivative markets based on the latest oracle price observed when the settlement proposal passes.
- Add new proposal to change the number of decimals in the denom metadata
- Module params:
- Change double-sign slashing fraction from 5% to 0.5%
- Set begin blocker min gas price equal to transaction min gas price
- Increase max block gas limit from 30M to 50M
- Change BinaryOptionsMarketListingFee from 20INJ to 10INJ
- Miscellaneous:
- Emit events for contract executions in BeginBlocker
- Emit events when a validator is slashed
- Set min commission for all validators below 5% to 5%
- Modify oracle price query
- Add query to retrieve orders by account address
- Return TOB & mid price for a market in the DerivativeMarkets and SpotMarkets queries
- Add optional params to the orderbook query which will allow to get only one side or orders up to a cumulative notional value or quantity
- Fix handling of scale in market trade volatility query. Opposed to returning human-scaled values, it’s more convenient to return values based on the quote scale factor (for derivatives) or quote and base scale factors (for spot).
Binary | Version | Commit Hash |
injectived | 1.11.2 | 3fb2b7f331551c0eacbf3edf1407fdb13cbba689 |
peggo | 1.11 | 31785adc3cc552366816dfa1897a33f5ba89de5a |
Go version 1.19
Verify you're using the correct version by running the below commands:
injectived version
peggo version
docker run injectived version
docker run peggo version
🐳 Docker
Docker images have support for both amd64
and arm64
Image | Description |
---|---| | Alpine image | | Alpine image |
🕊️ Download Binaries
sudo mv injectived peggo /usr/bin
sudo mv /usr/lib