Please, if you encounter any bug or want to suggest new features, open an issue on GitHub or CodeBerg for better tracking. Google Translate/DeepL OK.
Bug fixes
- Can not extract any channels(BiliBili) [CodeBerg #36]
- Audio qualities are wrongly shown as tiny(YouTube)
- * not showing up on "Open by default" Settings page
- Some series can not be extracted (NicoNico)
- Search results can not be directly added to playlist (NicoNico)
- Updater can not select corresponding apk correctly
- Only generate .tmp when downloading BiliBili videos
Which APK should you download?
- arm64-v8a should work on most devices.
- armeabi-v7a if your device is a 10+ year old phone.
- x86_64 for 64-bit Android simulators (on a PC).
- x86 for 32-bit simulators.
If these rules not working, download the universal APK. It should work on any device.
All APKs provide the same contents and functions, but the universal one may be slower than the split ones.