github InfinityLoop1308/PipePipe v2.4.3

latest releases: v3.9.0-hotfix, v3.9.0, v3.8.2...
20 months ago

feat: Implement customized color scheme for BiliBili and NicoNico instead of using the default YouTube color(GitHub #74)
feat: Introduce support for making a fixed, eye-friendly color as the global theme

fix: live failed every 50s sometimes(NicoNico)
fix: bullet comments are not refreshed if auto-play is enabled
fix: App crash after Youtube video ended with Danmaku on (GitHub #70)
fix: crash when filtering history and click back button
fix: Danmaku not synchronized on Youtube (GitHub #68)
fix: [Bug] Exported database file default name starts with "NewPipeData" (GitHub #73)
Fix: Timestamps not functioning correctly on certain occasions.
fix: search filters are not working as expected
fix: subtitle downloading not working
fix: can not fetch viewers in recommended live kiosk(NicoNico)
fix: bullet comments are not showing sometimes(NicoNico)
fix: improve notification if round play streams are not available(BiliBili)
fix: Unable to fetch mp4 only streams(BiliBili) <CodeBerg #25>
fix: live streams not working(BiliBili)
fix: live comments not working(BiliBili)

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