github InfiniTimeOrg/InfiniTime 1.9.0
InfiniTime 1.9.0 "Limeberry"

latest releases: 1.14.0, 1.13.0, 1.12.0...
2 years ago

It's been almost 3 months since the last release of InfiniTime. A lot of work happened since them, and I'm happy to announce the release of InfiniTime 1.9 !

New Features:


  • Improve notification and call notification timeout (#903)
  • Improve heart-rate measurements (#531 #876)
  • Improve Alarm App (#945)
  • Better 12-hours mode integration (in settings, alarm and status bar) (#821, #938, #907)
  • Code cleanup and many improvements needed by InfiniSim

Bug fixes:

  • Fix display corruption when the timer is triggered (#1053)
  • Fix freeze in Music app when the title/album name were too long (#1036 #1054)


The most visible feature of this release is certainly the new Terminal watchface by Zephyrlabs and 13werwolf13. This watchface displays all the information you need (time, date, battery level, steps,...) as if they were displayed in a Linux terminal. Let your inner geek express itself through it !

The bluetooth enable/disable mode (previously called airplane mode) is contributed by Evergreen22. By disabling all BLE communication, this feature allows you to save a bit of battery life and also to preserve your privacy.

A few weeks ago, NeroBurner joined the InfiniTime Github organization and released InfiniSim, the LVGL simulator for InfiniTime. This simulator allows you to easily test and debug new developments on your PC before testing them on the actual hardware. NeroBurner did a great job with the simulator and also created many PRs that improved the code of InfiniTime so the integration with the simulator would be easier. He also created new Github Actions workflows that automatically build the simulator when a pull-request is created on InfiniTime, which will help us ensure both project will be kept in sync.

InfiniTime 1.9 also improves the heart-rate measurements, the 12-hours mode, the notifications and call notifications and the Alarm app.

And, as usual, we fixed a few bugs and applied a few code cleanings!

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release : @Riksu9000 @NeroBurner @yehoshuapw @hatmajster @eliwss0 @Zorvalt @mruss77 @13werwolf13 @evergreen22 @Arsen6331 @aveeryy @medeyko @JF002 and many many others!

Full diff : 1.8.0...1.9.0

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