github IllusionMods/HSPlugins r2
HSPlugins r2

latest releases: r2.14, r2.13.2, r2.13.1...
2 years ago

Some bugfixes to get the plugins working properly (this is still a beta though).
Mostly useful for KKS, for other games Joan's original plugins should still be used in production.


  • b429d0a @ManlyMarco [PE] Add missing Joan6694DynamicBoneColliders.zipmod
  • 0d5936a @ManlyMarco [TL] Fixed copy/cut/paste keyframe keybinds not working
  • 259e3fb @ManlyMarco [VE] Fixed crash caused by improperly saving some settings
  • 7d501d8 @ManlyMarco [VE] Check if System.Drawing exists before adding Drawing.Graphics endpoint (fixes a startup crash in some cases)

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