Consider this a beta release - it's not as well tested as the original plugins.
Download the zip for your game and extract it to get zips for individual plugins that you then extract inside the game directory.
If you already have a Timeline button on the left toolbar, before updating Timeline to this version you need to remove the TimelineButton.dll / TimelineButtonKKS.dll plugin.
- 5b5f7cd @kky [US] Added configurable camera speed - fixes too slow camera speed in AIS/HS2 (#1)
- 4786220 @DeathWeasel1337 [PE] Fixed copying hand bones
- 618c08d 8fc2c2b @ManlyMarco [TL] Integrated TimelineButton (adds a new Timeline toolbar button on the left)
- f9d8f34 @ManlyMarco [PE] Move default presets directory to UserData
- 4141ca5 @ManlyMarco [VE] Move default output directories to UserData
- 3079b5f @ManlyMarco Improved names and descriptions of config settings; Turned off delete confirmations and auto memory cleaning by default
- 7f31c06 @ManlyMarco Use BepInEx logger instead of Debug.Log
- cf31fd8 @ManlyMarco Make Name, GUID and Version fields public; Update assembly metadata
Build / repo stuff below - 4795bd5 @ManlyMarco Fixed not copying extra VideoExport files to build output
- 9381eb6 @ManlyMarco Change release builds to use embedded symbols
- b15366a @ManlyMarco Move build outputs to single bin folder
- 0392018 @ManlyMarco Adjust build configurations to skip old plugins
- 51a40f0 @ManlyMarco Create "_Needs work" solution folder
- 7ab1e34 @ManlyMarco Add release script