github IllusionMods/BepisPlugins r7
BepisPlugins r7

latest releases: r20.0-SVS, r20.0, r19.7...
6 years ago

In this release @DeathWeasel1337 worked on Sideloader studio support and bugfixes + added support for translating plugins; @ManlyMarco made quality-of-life improvements and bugfixes all over the place; and @exdownloader made Screencap use GPU for scaling screenshots.



  • Change version numbers of all plugins to BepisPlugins release number
  • Expose GUIDs and Version numbers as constants in all plugins (easier to add them as BepInDependency etc.)
  • Add more information to plugin .dll files (shown when you hover over the plugin files in explorer)


  • Only load introclips if necessary - fixes startup slowing down depending on how many clips there are
  • Fix DLC intro voices not getting overriden


  • Disable bloom control in studio - fixes issues with overriding studio bloom setting


  • Make developer console hotkey configurable


  • Add hooks for OnGUI text (can translate many plugins now)
  • Add support for regex groups in translated text
  • Changed default reload translations hotkey to F10+LeftControl
  • Fixed reloading translations crashing


  • Prevent plugin crashes from corrupting files being saved


  • Change IPA directory missing message level to log (from message)


  • Combine repeated messages (less spam on screen)
  • Longer display time if there are more messages
  • Fixed display time being dependant on FPS


  • Add "Open screenshot dir" button to screencap window
  • Add message when screenshot can't be made
  • Moved image scaling to GPU (potentially less likely to crash and faster)

Sideloader / ResourceRedirector

  • Add sideloader support for studio mods
  • Reduce log spam
  • Fix certain assets not being properly checked and handled if missing
  • Fix duplicate png files causing conflicts

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