github Icinga/icinga-powershell-framework v1.4.0
Icinga for Windows v1.4.0

latest releases: v1.12.3, v1.12.2, v1.12.1...
3 years ago

1.4.0 (2021-03-02)

Issue and PRs

Breaking Changes

There are changes made to the pre-compiled configuration files and Get-IcingaCheckCommandConfig. Please have a look on the upgrading before applying the new configuration files.


  • #180 Ensure check data are separated from each thread and not accessible from one thread to another to prevent conflicting results
  • #193 Adds optional support for adding milliseconds to Get-IcingaUnixTime with the -Milliseconds argument for more detailed time comparison
  • #198 Adds support to flush the content of the Icinga Agent API directory with a single Cmdlet Clear-IcingaAgentApiDirectory
  • #203 Removes experimental state of the Icinga PowerShell Framework code caching and adds docs on how to use the feature
  • #205 Ensure Icinga for Windows configuration file is opened as read-only for every single task besides actually modifying configuration content
  • #207 Adds new Argument -LabelName to New-IcingaCheck, allowing the developer to provide custom label names for checks and override the default based on the check name.
  • #210 Updates the Icinga DSL for building PowerShell arrays to ensure all string values are properly escaped with '. In case the user already wrapped commands with ' by himself, this will not have an effect as we only add single quotes for escaping if they are not present already
  • #211 Adds feature to uninstall single components for Icinga for Windows or to uninstall everything and start entirely from new
  • #213 Added support to fetch network interface for Register-IcingaDirectorSelfServiceHost directly from provided director url
  • #213 Added support for Icinga Framework Code Cache file being deleted once the feature is disabled
  • #213 Added support to suppress any console output for the current PowerShell session by using Disable-IcingaFrameworkConsoleOutput and to enable it again by using Enable-IcingaFrameworkConsoleOutput
  • #213 Added support for -Release argument for Get-IcingaFrameworkServiceBinary suppressing questions and using GitHub as source directly if set
  • #213 Added support to color console output by using Write-IcingaConsolePlain with the new argument -ForeColor
  • #213 Added new feature to write Icinga for Windows console headers more easily, better structured and formatted with Write-IcingaConsoleHeader by adding line content as array elements


  • #206 Fixes background service check daemon for collecting metrics over time which will no longer share data between configured checks which might cause higher CPU load and a possible memory leak
  • #208 Fixes Convert-IcingaPluginThresholds which sometimes did not return proper numeric usable values for our internal functions, causing issues on plugin calls. In addition the function now also supports the handling for % units.
  • #213 Fixed possible crash on Get-IcingaAgentFeatures if PowerShell is not running as administrator and therefor the command icinga2 feature list can not be processed
  • #213 Fixed ConvertTo-IcingaSecureString to return $null for empty strings instead of throwing an exception
  • #214 Fixes wrong [Unknown] PluginNotInstalled exception because of new plugin configuration and wrong checking against APi result in case feature is enabled
  • #215 Fixes wrong used variable for arguments on API call checks


  • #204 Adds experimental feature to forward checks executed by the Icinga Agent to an internal REST-Api, to reduce the performance impact on systems with lower resources available
  • #213 Adds new experimental feature Management Console for better and easier management for Icinga for Windows and improved automation and deployed.

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