github HypothesisWorks/hypothesis hypothesis-python-6.120.0
Hypothesis for Python - version 6.120.0

latest release: hypothesis-python-6.121.0
21 hours ago
  • This release changes our input distribution for low "max_examples".
    Previously, we capped the size of inputs when generating at least
    the first 10 inputs, with the reasoning that early inputs to a
    property should be small. However, this meant properties with
    "max_examples=10" would consistent entirely of small inputs. This
    patch removes the hard lower bound so that inputs to these
    properties are more representative of the input space.

  • When a user requests an interactive input via "strategy.example", we
    generate and cache a batch of 100 inputs, returning the first one.
    This can be expensive for large strategies or when only a few
    examples are needed. This release improves the speed of
    "strategy.example" by lowering the batch size to 10.

The canonical version of these notes (with links) is on readthedocs.

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