github HypothesisWorks/hypothesis hypothesis-python-6.0.0
Hypothesis for Python - version 6.0.0

latest releases: hypothesis-python-6.100.2, hypothesis-python-6.100.1, hypothesis-python-6.100.0...
3 years ago

Welcome to the next major version of Hypothesis!

There are no new features here, as we release those in minor versions.
Instead, 6.0 is a chance for us to remove deprecated features (many
already converted into no-ops), and turn a variety of warnings into

If you were running on the last version of Hypothesis 5.x without any
Hypothesis deprecation warnings
, this will be a very boring upgrade.
In fact, nothing will change for you at all.


* Many functions now use **PEP 3102** keyword-only arguments where
  passing positional arguments was deprecated since 5.5.

* "hypothesis.extra.django.from_model()" no longer accepts "model" as
  a keyword argument, where it could conflict with fields named

* "randoms()" now defaults to "use_true_random=False".

* "complex_numbers()" no longer accepts "min_magnitude=None"; either
  use "min_magnitude=0" or just omit the argument.

* "hypothesis.provisional.ip4_addr_strings" and "ip6_addr_strings" are
  removed in favor of "ip_addresses(v=...).map(str)".

* "register_type_strategy()" no longer accepts generic types with type
  arguments, which were always pretty badly broken.

* Using function-scoped pytest fixtures is now a health-check error,
  instead of a warning.


  The **hypothesis codemod** command can automatically refactor your
  code, particularly to convert positional to keyword arguments where
  those are now required.

Hypothesis 5.x

*[The canonical version of these notes (with links) is on readthedocs.](*

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