github HypothesisWorks/hypothesis hypothesis-python-4.39.0
Hypothesis for Python - version 4.39.0

latest releases: hypothesis-python-6.103.0, hypothesis-python-6.102.6, hypothesis-python-6.102.5...
4 years ago

This release adds the "basic_indices()" strategy, to generate basic
indexes for arrays of the specified shape (issue #1930).

It generates tuples containing some mix of integers, "slice" objects,
"..." (Ellipsis), and "numpy.newaxis"; which when used to index an
array of the specified shape produce either a scalar or a shared-
memory view of the array. Note that the index tuple may be longer or
shorter than the array shape, and may produce a view with another
dimensionality again!

Thanks to Lampros Mountrakis, Ryan Soklaski, and Zac Hatfield-Dodds
for their collaboration on this surprisingly subtle strategy!

The canonical version of these notes (with links) is on readthedocs.

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