github Hibbiki/chromium-win64 v83.0.4103.61-r756066

8575cc40d6f99836428f8a7341d33027c352fc6e /mnt/d/out/x64/mini_installer.sync.exe
5c28b065fa66fbd2d5146b58e383f0212ee1db3f /mnt/d/out/x64/chrome.sync.7z
ceb4afe543dd133eec484cbe80655f7fe572c608 /mnt/d/out/x64/mini_installer.nosync.exe
dcdbe07da13bcd2b4570a29c94aa8a980716ba19 /mnt/d/out/x64/chrome.nosync.7z

For this release build environment was updated to use VS2019. Other changes include:

  • Symbols level lowered from 1 to 0
  • enable_reporting = false build arg has been removed as the result it is no longer supported on platforms other than iOS

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